View Full Version : Antibiotics...

04-14-2013, 01:19 PM
Is it common for antibiotic medication to upset your stomach?

I've been taking an antibiotic for the past week and have had a twisting feeling in my stomach that would eventually go away after I ate, and then it stopped for 2 days after I took the same pills while eating.

Then this morning, had some coffee and took my pill with water, hung out, vacuumed my bedroom and I finally sat down for a few minutes and started sweating a little bit. Sometimes when I drink coffee in the morning, I'll get a little iffy feeling, but nothing major. Then I kept getting worse, laid down and started feeling some decent nausea and it got worse when I smelled apple oatmeal and even plain water. Finally slid out of bed after maybe 5 or 10 minutes, took a look at the toilet and threw up. I've felt better ever since.

This is probably the second antibiotic I've ever taken in my life. I don't get sick very often and really have no reason to take any sort of medication, over the counter or Rx.

I am allergic to amoxicillan (sp?) for sure, though, at least when I was a kid. Can't even think of the name of the stuff I'm taking at the moment. I'm down to 2 pills, started with 14 of them, and this is the first time I've thrown up since taking them. I'm just glad I don't feel like crap anymore.

04-14-2013, 01:37 PM
Call your pharmacist, each drug is different, and it's not something to ask about on a detailing forum lol. My mom is a pharmacist, so if you can't contact yours pm me your information and what antibiotics you are taking and I can let you know what she says.


04-14-2013, 02:47 PM
Unless Dr Pain chimes in.. I'm sure he'll know something lol

Or google

04-14-2013, 02:56 PM
Most antibiotics say take with or without food. It's always better to take with food. Antibiotics such as cephalosporins ( 3rd and 4th gen pen) are easier on the stomach. Once you get into macrolides such as biaxin zpac etc (they end in ...-myacin ) they are much tougher. Now another class that is difficult is the quinolones. There have actually been studies showing of ruptured tendons. I don't know why you are on them or course of therapy but Most true allergies are anaphylaxis rash etc. you are allergic to amoxicillin, then it means you are allergic to penicillin. Amoxil is 2nd gen pen. Which antibiotic you on? I would def call pharm or nurse. Sensitivity to antibiotics of any sort is common but you need that info documented. Remember to

04-14-2013, 03:59 PM
Yeah, I just wanted to get some general info from people who have taken antibiotics in general. I've asked a few people at work and they said they've always gotten upset stomachs from ab's, some websites say to stop taking ab's immediately if upset stomach occurs, some say it just means you need to take them with food. I'd get the name off my bottle, but I'm not sure where it went.

04-14-2013, 04:24 PM
I'm a pharmacist, so I can answer pretty much whatever questions you may have on medication. Many antibiotics do/can cause stomach upset. Some are much worse than others. Stomach upset/vomiting isn't a sign of a true allergy, it's considered an adverse event or reaction.

One thing you can do to minimize it is take a probiotic with the abx (antibiotic). You don't have to take it at the same time, just follow the directions on the box. Phillips Colon Health and Florastor are good ones - Florastor being the better choice with an abx (its yeast based, not bacterial). You can find them at any pharmacy.

If you started the abx, its best to finish the course - but not if it's causing you to vomit. I can make specific food/no food recommendations if I knew exactly what drug it was. As a generalization, most abx are better taken with food.

Abx are often overused and unnecessary for cold or flu like illnesses. Unless you have a documented bacterial infection, your illness is likely viral - in which an abx will not help.

04-14-2013, 05:06 PM
Aside from the pharmacology, in layman's terms... antibiotics tend to kill any and all bacteria not just within your stomach, but your entire intestinal tract as well.

When the acids in your gut have no 'good' bacteria to help stop them from eating through your stomach wall you'll end up in pain. The type of pain is as varied as the types of people, but could be grumbling, gas, cramping, nausea, you name it.

Once all the bacteria in your gut is cleaned out, you may find that YOU end up getting 'cleaned' out. (IF ya' know what I mean.) Just nothing left in there to keep your food from falling out. ;)

Grab some yogurt, not that make believe 'lite' stuff but real yogurt. Greek yogurt is actually pretty good stuff. ;) Eat yogurt 2~3 times a day when your tummy is hurting and it'll likely help. You can also get pro-biotic pills to take.

As for your current condition; you NEED TO CALL your duty nurse at the doctors office. The pharmacy may be able to help as well, but you have to get this on record, on YOUR record so it can be addressed (if not now) at least next time and down the road.

04-14-2013, 07:58 PM
Most people here have covered about all that I can say. So I'll just add that it sounds like you're having an adverse drug reaction like swanic said. Probiotics have never helped me with nausea or vomiting, however diarrhea can be lessened. Food usually helps, but the type of abx you're on can sometimes dictate what you can eat with it.

The one thing I want to stress is that you document exactly what your reaction is. Because too many times I've had patients say I'm allergic to augmentin, which knocks out several antibiotics. Then we find out the "allergy" is nausea. Not knowing that the person had an ADR versus an allergic reaction can keep us from giving you getting optimal therapy.

I'm a hospital pharmacist, and the above situation comes up a lot. Several times I've had to start a less than ideal antibiotic(s) because we didn't have ALL the story.

If there's anything I can help with feel free to PM me.


Blackthorn One
04-14-2013, 08:22 PM
The last antibiotic made me so nauseous I couldn't hold food down. Yes, upset stomach can be caused by antibiotics. I have experience with it .