View Full Version : Thank You!!!!

04-12-2013, 02:58 AM
I've been detailing for about a year now, and have been most everything wrong until the last few months, until I found Auto Geek. Mike Philips' videos, and this forum and helped me to the point where I'm going to be starting a detailing business as a side job for some extra $$$. I'm still learning, but I feel I know the basics and a bit more! Thank you to all who have replied to my post when I ask rookie questions.

Andy from Minnesota

Mike Phillips
04-12-2013, 06:50 AM
I'm going to be starting a detailing business as a side job for some extra $$$.

I'm still learning, but I feel I know the basics and a bit more! Thank you to all who have replied to my post when I ask rookie questions.

Andy from Minnesota

Hey congratulations!

I tell you one thing, a good forum is a friendly forum that helps people no matter what the topic or theme of the forum.

That's what AGO is all about. And all the best detailers are always learning because new technology is always emerging and a forum like this is the best place to continue ongoing education...


04-12-2013, 08:21 AM
Hey Congrats on the new business, Hope you have mare customers than you know what to do with...!

04-12-2013, 09:55 AM
I'm by no means a pro, but I picked up a lot of things from the noobie questions and answers.

Then I think back on all the years that I'd been doing it 'wrong'

04-12-2013, 09:57 AM
Hey congratulations! There are great people here :)

04-12-2013, 10:00 AM
I agree with OP, great forum and people:)

04-12-2013, 10:03 AM
This is a great place to come and learn.

Everyone here seems to truly want to help others to do their best.

I've been lurking and doing a lot of reading and learning.

04-12-2013, 10:35 AM
Best thing about this place is it seems everyone has something to bring to the table, even know several of us detail for a living, its pretty cool to come together in a competitive market and share eachothers secrets, techniques, etc

05-15-2013, 11:37 PM
thanks guys!

05-15-2013, 11:48 PM
This place is amazing. The only problem I've had with Auto Geek is that they are in Florida and I am in California. I have thought about paying for overnight shipping to see what happens lol. 😄

I'm just going to move to Florida.


05-16-2013, 04:04 AM
I can tell you im NOT a fan of people asking questions and this is why. I made a pretty big order during the earth day discount and then I het on here and someone has inquired about another product. Yup...I placed another order so I could try that product. The next day...same damn thing!!! I ended up with 3 separate orders because of all the great info here!! Haha

05-16-2013, 05:00 AM
Contracts Andy, i am also a novice at this point. I need a bit more experience to get better, but with the group here online and all the great videos and how to's from Mike and many others.
It is great to read that there are so many doing great work out there.
Keep up all the great work.:goodjob2

01-25-2016, 09:06 PM
Guys, thought i would post an update.

I have unfortunately not been able to open my own business. Still working at my dealership job. damn those benefits!!! I unfortunately think that opening my own place is out of the question for the foreseeable future. As I need to tend to other financial obligations. I still appreciate all of your help and taking time out to share your knowledge and work.

01-26-2016, 07:27 AM

THis is a great place to be if you love to clean cars

Before i heard of autogeek, I was on facebook (back when i had it) and was looking and reading on car detail pages.

Not alot of "info" on facebook, its mostly people advertising their business....which is great

Then I found larry (ammo nyc) videos. Thats what really gave me a kick in the pants and really got my "hobby" in a obsession

From there i found autogeek forums, which gave me alot of great info

from there i found autogeek shop, where i can buy stuff......now im doomed

I ordered collinite 845, which i love from autogeek

I ordered poorboys black hole, which i love, from autogeek

Now, once the weather breaks, i will be ordering some rim brushes, quality drying towels etc

The more you "play around on this forum" the more boxes i have show up at my door!

Im glad i dont live down south where the weather is nice year round.....oh man the stuff i would have!