View Full Version : Bad but not so bad water spots....and other issues and decsion problems.

04-11-2013, 06:45 PM
Hey AGO........

First thread here so please go easy on me.

I have 2 vehicles that have water spotting on the glass and the paint.

One is a Yukon XL Black and the other is a Greystone Metallic Suburban.

I have got all the washing basics down.....2 buckets, etc.......

What I am hung up on is when it comes time to do the paint and glass. I am not really going for a show car finish as these are daily drivers, and are parked outside most times.

My question boils down to.......after washing, claying, drying..........

What polish should I use? I am wanting to get rid of the minor scratches and water spots.

I have got a bottle of the Ultimate Compound.......... in my experience it left LOTS of hazing when applied by hand. I do not know if I used too much but it kinda messed up the gloss in the hoods paint. So I gave up and stopped before I ruined the rest. It covers up with wax but after it rains it comes back.

I did use the UC on the glass BY HAND.......... It did produce good results but is tiresome to do a SUV like that.

I have been eying the KLASSE AIO. However there are SOOOOO many products out there I am confused.

I was thinking about getting the Klasse AIO then waxing it..........with what though? LOL

For the Glass.......How does the griots glass polish and sealant sound?

Also I do not have a machine........YET.:buffing:

I am torn between just getting a cheap GG6 or getting a Rupes 15.

Sorry in advance for sounding like such a DA. DumbA** not Dual Action..........but you already knew that . HAHAHa

04-11-2013, 06:54 PM
Using a UC is correct but you definitely Need to get yourself a DA. If UC is too strong move to UP or M205 and start from there. First, get a DA it will save you poor arm.

04-11-2013, 07:02 PM
Thank you...... I will. Just need to decide what to get for the DA.

Where does the D151 fit into the products line up?

And should I consider it for my situation.

04-11-2013, 07:34 PM
D151 is an aio so it'll clean polish and leave some protection (I'd still wax after). It's middle of the pack as far as aggressiveness but depending on pad choice can be used to suit your needs.

Depending on condition of your paint and what you're looking to accomplish the ultimate compound followed by ultimate polish on a da can yield excellent results. And once the paint is corrected to your liking a polish every so often will be all you need to keep the finish looking good.

04-11-2013, 07:53 PM
If I got a Rupes 15 what pads should I get?

What about MF Pads?

Also, I can use any polish with it?

Or do some polishes work better with some machines over others?

04-11-2013, 08:20 PM
If I got a Rupes 15 what pads should I get?

What about MF Pads?

Also, I can use any polish with it?

Or do some polishes work better with some machines over others?

Megs mf pads work great on the rupes. Especially with the d300 microfiber compound. I would finish with foam though, try the 5.5 in lc flat pads. Yes you can use any polish you want with it, and you can use whichever polish you want on the mf pads. Any reason you want the 15 over the 21?

04-11-2013, 09:49 PM
Its cheaper.......:)

04-11-2013, 10:28 PM
The only one too.