View Full Version : Little trick I use for hard to get places.

04-09-2013, 07:34 PM
Hey guys been lurking here for months finally decided its time to post, learned so much here time to give some back. A little trick I use to get hard to reach places. I detail alot of work trucks so the interiors are usually covered in mud, especially right above the running boards inside the door.Lots of thick caked on mud, gravel, etc. My technique is to use a steam cleaner and some APC on these areas. I never like to spray the hose in these areas since you put the interior at risk to be soaked, and soiling it more. Running a MF towel on it works but your dragging alot of dirt with it, and upping the chance to scratch the paint pretty deep. This vehicle(2012 titan) had moderate mud and grime in this area, was pretty built up. I sprayed my go to APC(CG Grime reaper) on the area and let it soak for a few. I then began working the steam cleaner back and forth blowing the soil and debris away and off the door. A few passes and another shot of APC just for good measures yielded these results. After its all said and done I use a waterless carwash over the area , and a coat of wax for added protection. Total time about 10 minutes from start to finish, no added scratches, and a happy customer.
The steamer I use is a McCulloch-MC 1275 and the run about 120 bucks. However I use it on interiors, grills, rims, its a great tool to have around. Hope this helps someone along the way.

04-09-2013, 08:16 PM
Thanks for sharing, how strong is the steam and how long does it last?

Bates Detailing
04-09-2013, 08:58 PM
Good trick - be sure when doing this not to leave the steam on the rubber and/or black plastic parts in the jamb - it will turn them white or grey. All in all - steam + APC = great results :dblthumb2: