View Full Version : Cadillac XLR Candy Red with "Fiberglass-Bondo auto adhesive nightmare"

04-09-2013, 03:50 PM
What's up guys! Thank you all in advance for checking out the post and helping a guy out :thankyousign:

My wife's massage client reached out to me to "see if I can fix her car"...

Turns out she's had a rough time with her XLR. Backed into garbage cans, mystery cracks, swipes, etc. Well, some "dudes" offered to fix her body damage by mending the cracks with some "auto/fiberglass bondo goop" and SPRAY PAINTING OVER IT with some car paint they got at the auto parts store.. :doh:

She kicked them out of her garage when she saw what was going on. They failed to tell her what they had really planned on doing to "fix" her XLR. :nomore:

My job is to remove this nightmare goop as safely as possible and restore what gloss is left. What I'm afraid of is that this goop is going to take some CC or even BC with it. Has anyone ran into something like this before? What steps are the safest ones to take? I can remove chunks with the pad of my finger but it leaves and almost "west-sand" haze on the paint. :dunno::help:

04-09-2013, 03:58 PM
Good grief.

I'm going to sound like a downer here, but I recommend that you at least consider passing on this. Recommend your favorite body shop for the repair (and fresh paint), and offer her a discount on the first detail afterward.

04-09-2013, 04:00 PM

Oh my...

I would pass as stated previously.

Setec Astronomy
04-09-2013, 04:15 PM
That's an expensive car (Cadillac's version of the Corvette) and deserves a proper repair.

04-09-2013, 04:16 PM
People will do the damnedest things... :face_palm:

04-09-2013, 04:23 PM
:nomore: pass on it! Lord knows what the chemicals in the "goop" as done to the CC!?!

04-09-2013, 05:11 PM
Good grief.

I'm going to sound like a downer here, but I recommend that you at least consider passing on this. Recommend your favorite body shop for the repair (and fresh paint), and offer her a discount on the first detail afterward.

Thanks, I let her know what had to be done, and she agreed 100%. Since she knows the car needs paint anyway, she asked me to take care of it however I can (band-aid job in the meantime) and she will not hold me liable (I'll be getting that in writing) or she's not leaving the house. (haha)

Pictures to come :Picture:

04-09-2013, 07:51 PM
It's going to require a body file or 40 grit sandpaper to remove that stuff.

She should plan on having it taken back to bare metal, then painted with primer/sealer, primer, base and then clear. Otherwise known as a real, first rate paint job.