View Full Version : white jaguar leather!

04-09-2013, 05:37 AM
My buddy was wanting me to take a look at getting his car into tip top shape. Only downside is that I'm afraid that I will harm or discolor the whiteleather interior. Any suggestions on any cleaners and conditioners that won't hurt or discolor the leather? :buffing:

04-09-2013, 05:41 AM
Any dedicated leather cleaner/conditioner will work just make sure u do a test spot.

04-09-2013, 05:44 AM
Any dedicated leather cleaner/conditioner will work just make sure u do a test spot.

I plan to. Really don't want to mess it up, Ya know.

04-09-2013, 05:51 AM
I plan to. Really don't want to mess it up, Ya know.

Understand but you should be fine. Good luck

04-09-2013, 06:30 AM
Read the interior care section of the owners manual.

Divine Details
04-09-2013, 06:52 AM
Try the leatherique system. It's always worked well for me.

Chad @ divine details

04-11-2013, 02:27 AM
Keep your leather clean by protecting it with a leather protector and then regular cleaning.
Adding 'conditioners' which generally contain oils and waxes will change the appearance of your leather over time as dirt will build up on the surface and cause a sheen.

Using the correct care methods and products will not alter the factory finish.

The type of leather you have is 'coated' leather. This is essentially a 'painted' leather
with a clear coat finish over the top. The leather may or may not be dyed through with
aniline dyes prior to the finish coating.

Essentially it is this top coating that needs looking after.
Cleaning is vitally important as the top coat will wear away if allowed to become dirty.
Dirt on the surface will also become ground into the finish by constant abrassion.

'Conditioners', balms, feeds etc (traditionally oil and wax based) cannot penetrate this
finish so are not worth applying - they can also leave behind residues on the finish which will only attract more dirt if allowed to remain. 'Conditioners' will not do any
protecting on leather even if they say they do as there will not be enough active
ingredient in them to do anything.

A protector will make the finish easier to clean and also inhibit dye transfer etc
on pale coloured leathers.

Leather however finished has to remain breathable and it will allow the movement of
moisture back and forth (transpiration) so the use of water based cleaners and
protectors will keep the leather correctly hydrated which is essentail to keeping it in
good condition.

Leather needs a little regular care and attention and this can be done with a maintenance product rather than a deep clean which you would then only need to do once or twice a year depending on usage and colour.
You will find that detergent style cleaners will remove the protection applied so you would need to reprotect each time you clean.
A maintenance product like Auto Ultra Maintain helps to retain the protection rather than remove it so a reapplication of protector is only required after a deep clean.
Whilst individual products may be effective if they have not been tested together you may find they are counter productive

The routine for correct care should be

Protect from new
Maintain with a regular clean or maintenance product
Deep clean with a foam cleaner once or twice a year

Simple steps of cleaning & protecting will prolong the life of the finish on the leather

Hope this helps