View Full Version : DP Plex-All vs. Plexus

05-17-2007, 10:32 PM
In an attempt to review two distinctive plastic cleaning products, I came to a conclusion: plastic cleaning is plastic cleaning, lol.

The two products being compared are http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/autogeek_1949_23135539 and http://us.st11.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/autogeek_1946_79862867.

Both products did a great job in both cleaning and shining the clear plastic windshield on my bike. The piece had road grime, a few bugs, and some water spots.

Before--- You can somewhat see the condition of the plastic before any treatment.

I actually taped off half of the windshield and issued two applications of each product on each side of the tape. Once the tape was removed, I noticed no difference what so ever, which is what I attempted to capture in this photo.

After--- This picture illustrates the final product. With two awesome products dedicated to safe and effective clear plastic cleaning, everyone should add a can to their arsenal. There's nothing like cleaning headlight housings knowing that you're protecting from the dreaded hazing and dulling of the clear.

If I had to pick one, I would most likely choose the DP for not only am I a fan of DP products, but I also like the foaming action of it over the Plexus. The Plexus seemed to be more of a liquid while the DP foams up.

05-17-2007, 10:40 PM
Plexus can be used to help clean and treat window tint, can DP be used for the same thing? Anyone?

05-18-2007, 05:30 AM
Plexus can be used to help clean and treat window tint, can DP be used for the same thing? Anyone?
You can use DP for the same applications that you use Plexus for, nice thing about DP is that it sprays out as a foam, little easier to apply than the Plexus.

05-18-2007, 05:54 AM
I noticed the less foam aspect of the DP too when clean one of my clients boat windows. Work great! Sorry no pics.

05-18-2007, 09:56 AM
Now you need to test the Diamonite version, believe its called Liquid Armor. Was the same immediate slickness as Plexus noted ???