View Full Version : "new-ish" Mazda3

04-06-2013, 10:17 AM
Here's my new-ish Mazda3 that I picked up at the dealer the other day. It's a lightly used 2011 with around 8k miles on it. Also, it's the 2.5L with a decent magnaflow exhaust that makes it sound a little less like the 4 cylinder that it is! :props:

Keep in mind these pictures are pre-detailing. As of this picture, it is right off the dealership lot. I plan to hit it with some swirl removers tomorrow because there is some minor swirling on most of the paint. Other than that though, I have yet to find any imperfections. I will post more pictures when it's done!

PS: As a side note: The car has OEM-installed paint film that starts halfway down the hood and continues down over the front bumper. Though this is nice to keep away paint chips, I'm concerned about when it might start peeling. This is my first experience with paint films so any information is welcome!


04-06-2013, 10:32 AM
Nice and congrats! I am thinking of leasing this car to my wife as well. I love the Skyactive one since you can get good performance and miles out of the car. I love the red on your car. Looking forward to pictures. Thanks for sharing with us.

04-06-2013, 10:33 AM
Nice ride!

04-06-2013, 11:05 AM
Thank you both for the compliments! Luckily for me, the dealership didn't do much harm with their "Complimentary detailing" when I bought it. =D

Do either of you happen to have experience with OEM paint films? For the time being, I plan to keep it on to prevent chips. Farther down the line however, I imagine that I'll want to take it off if it starts peeling at the edges. Any experience with this and how soon it may start peeling?


04-06-2013, 11:14 AM
No I don't, I was actually wanting to get it put on my SI, but from what I have seen its pretty expensive.

04-06-2013, 11:48 AM
Luckily it doesn't look too bad. The only noticeable part of the film is the seam running right across the center of the hood. :eek:

I've also heard that it gets expensive to have those films put on. I'm glad the previous owner paid for that. =D

04-06-2013, 12:51 PM
Nice little ride I love that red on Mazdas