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Detailing by M
04-05-2013, 11:28 PM
So we've all seen the horrible things people do to their cars. I usually take a pic to laugh at later.
So let's post them here.

Tonight I spotted this. I guess this guy was tired of his bike carrier being stolen, probable with his $2,000 bike attached to it!
So I guess he found a solution! :xyxthumbs:

04-05-2013, 11:45 PM
This is going to be fun, I'll be on the look out. I did see a lady wash her car at a gas station with windex.

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04-05-2013, 11:51 PM
Off the top of my head:

Some guy had bungee cords holding his bumper to his car, they seemed to come over the hood and hooked onto the cowl somehow. Saw some kid last night in a parking lot using windex to clean bird poo off the hood of his car, was going to ask him what he recommends to clean the car but didnt catch him in time. The windex left a nice film on the hood, may give it a try next time :joking:

04-06-2013, 12:42 AM
I saw a guy cleaning bugs off his R8 with a green scotch brite pad :(

04-06-2013, 12:47 AM
Lol I think the tint job on that rear window is even worse!

Worst and most dangerous I saw was an old chinese man who had 15 4x8 sheets of drywall tied to the top of his 02 Corolla leaving the HD parking lot!

04-06-2013, 12:49 AM
The Home Depot parking lot seems to be an interesting place to see stuff. Saw a woman yesterday dressed up all Nice walking out with a step ladder and a bag of stuff to a blue Maserati. I was just like who takes that to Home Depot.

04-06-2013, 12:56 AM
There is a "detailer" down the road who washes cars with steel wool. (An SOS pad to be exact) claims its "the best" at removing water spot and small scratches. I like to go to the store next to him when I'm board just to watch and laugh.
Some times his customers will stop at the store. Needless to say. PERFECT chance to hand out my card

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04-06-2013, 02:32 AM
I saw a guy cleaning bugs off his R8 with a green scotch brite pad :(

That literally made me cringe.

There's a guy that's local that drives a brand new R8 in the dark metalic blue color.
He takes his car to one of those 15 minute washes. (Guys that use the same dirt MIT from the past 100 cars)
I actually see a lot of expensive exotics go to washes like that.

04-06-2013, 05:04 AM
Just NOW saw outside my window, a guy, cleaning hes car with a piece of cloth? or a towel? or paper?
and on hes other hand, he had a bottle of water...
then he starts scrubbing the car, paint, windows.

I really wanted to go down but I couldn't stop looking lol...
But after about 1 minute, he left, I wanted to give him my business card

04-06-2013, 10:13 AM
Seen limo drivers doing this in front of hotels sometimes. ^^^^:(

04-06-2013, 10:54 AM
The best for me is people at gas stations who clean their whole car with that nasty squeegee on a stick thing.

Now think of this. People clean dirt and bird crap off their windows with the window squeegee, then place it back in the window cleaning solution (which is usually just water). This "water" is rarely "changed", its just "added". So, all of the dirt and bird crap are just floating in the ounce or two that are left on the bottom. The attendant just comes up and "refills it".

Now this happens over and over. Now that the dirt and bird crap is real concentrated, somebody comes along and starts washing their whole car with that squeegee thing. Not to mention all the dirt that is embedded in the squeegee foam itself. I see this all the time.

They think its the greatest thing, like its a tool to clean your car so they don't have to bend over. I love it.

04-06-2013, 11:02 AM
If i had a camera you would have seen it but guy had his 69 corvette painted electric yellow pearl. The pearl coat sagged like it was over reduced

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04-06-2013, 11:32 AM
Just remembered a while back at my Chevy dealer I saw two guys cleaning the cars one by one.
Using dish soap and a cloth. They hosed it down and left it to air dry in the south Florida sun.

04-06-2013, 11:46 AM
That literally made me cringe.

There's a guy that's local that drives a brand new R8 in the dark metalic blue color.
He takes his car to one of those 15 minute washes. (Guys that use the same dirt MIT from the past 100 cars)
I actually see a lot of expensive exotics go to washes like that.

Ya I saw a Viper car club lined up at a automated car wash. I walked up and handed my card to all of them. I was talking to one of them and showed him what wash was doing to the paint and he called me the next week to do paint correction.

04-06-2013, 12:04 PM
The best for me is people at gas stations who clean their whole car with that nasty squeegee on a stick thing.

Now think of this. People clean dirt and bird crap off their windows with the window squeegee, then place it back in the window cleaning solution (which is usually just water). This "water" is rarely "changed", its just "added". So, all of the dirt and bird crap are just floating in the ounce or two that are left on the bottom. The attendant just comes up and "refills it".

Now this happens over and over. Now that the dirt and bird crap is real concentrated, somebody comes along and starts washing their whole car with that squeegee thing. Not to mention all the dirt that is embedded in the squeegee foam itself. I see this all the time.

They think its the greatest thing, like its a tool to clean your car so they don't have to bend over. I love it.

To add to this ive seen this many times, what you proably havn't seen is the attendant getting the squeege and using it to push down and compact trash from all the trash cans. Yuk. And then putting it back in like nothing happened.