View Full Version : Some Random Detailing Questions....

KJW Detailing
05-16-2007, 09:49 AM
I'll begin with waxes...i tend to keep my car waxed maybe even overly waxed and yet when i washed it yesterday, i wasn't seeing the water beads im use to seeing...so i use a soluvent to take the wax off and reapplied...of coure after i recieve all of my new detailing stuff from AG and Pinn, i'll have a high grade wax...but i just didn't understand why i wasn't getting the water bead...

Now on to the products i have coming...

This will be my first time using a PC...at work i use a rotary...anyway, what is the process when using the PC? do you guys go around the entire car with one pad and one compound/polish or do you do the entire process at each body panel b4 moving on to the next?

How long does it take to do an entire car using the PC if you are doing XMT3, then XMT1, a glaze and then wax? What is the time frame for doing an entire exterior for an average sized car?

How many uses will i get out of an XMT bottle? Car wise...

Can i really work outside in the sun with these products? i will try to avoid direct sinlight...

cant think of anymore at the moment but i am sure i will...


Mike T
05-16-2007, 10:25 AM
I'm a big fan of Souveran and I don't always see the beading that I love,but boy does the surface feel slick and the water just sheets off when I start driving.

Some will tackle the whole car. Some will work one section one day one section another day. Many variables determine what steps you should take in achieving your goal. For instance, I live in a condo and I have no garage and have to work in direct sunlight in our parking lot. Or I can go to my parents house and use there driveway. So if I want to do a full detail It all pretty much has to be done in one day. Some live in a home with a garage so today they can go home and work on the front sections of the car. Tomorrow finish with the rear. Usually if I do a full detail of washing, polishing, waxing/sealing I would take six to eight hrs. That all depends on what I'm trying to accomplish and what kinda imperfections I'm dealing with.

How many uses you would get out XMT would depend on if its used on just your car or others. When using XMT you don't need to use alot of product. With most of the products offered by AG, if it sys it can be used in direct sunlight it will work. I've had great success in direct with Poorboy's, Pinnacle, Wolfgang. Duragloss.
My hood was extremely hot and I sprayed it with Souveran and buff it in a little, and had no streaking.
I hope this helps a little.

05-16-2007, 10:32 AM
My experience level isn't close to many on here but here goes my attempt to answer your questions.
Entire car or each panel? Either way is fine. Doing a detail for someone else I do the whole car, and it must be done in time to get protection on it after the polish. Last winter I did my own car a panel or two each evening.
How long? Your speed will pick up with experience. Starting out plan on 6 to 12 hours for the process that you mention above (Can even be longer). I'd suggest a kitchen timer to time breakdown time of polish. It's hard to spot at first.
How many uses? Depends but approximately 6-10 cars.
In the sun? Temperature of the surface is what gets you. It makes the polish dry too quickly. It can be done but I try to avoid it. I'd like to hear some tricks about this myself.

05-16-2007, 10:33 AM
I'll begin with waxes...i tend to keep my car waxed maybe even overly waxed and yet when i washed it yesterday, i wasn't seeing the water beads im use to seeing...so i use a soluvent to take the wax off and reapplied...of coure after i recieve all of my new detailing stuff from AG and Pinn, i'll have a high grade wax...but i just didn't understand why i wasn't getting the water bead...

Now on to the products i have coming...

This will be my first time using a PC...at work i use a rotary...anyway, what is the process when using the PC? do you guys go around the entire car with one pad and one compound/polish or do you do the entire process at each body panel b4 moving on to the next?

How long does it take to do an entire car using the PC if you are doing XMT3, then XMT1, a glaze and then wax? What is the time frame for doing an entire exterior for an average sized car?

How many uses will i get out of an XMT bottle? Car wise...

Can i really work outside in the sun with these products? i will try to avoid direct sinlight...

cant think of anymore at the moment but i am sure i will...

It really depends on what you wash your car with. So car washes will sheet water instead of beading it, some will remove wax coating. Using a high quality shampoo is necessary to keep water beading. I recommend Poorboy's SS&S for this purpose. One of the best washes out there.
I usually do a whole car with one pad/polish with exception of some "ugly" spots where you have to step up on a polish/pad. Usually takes me 1.5-2.0 hours to do an average sized car. 12 oz bottle of XMT should last around 6-10 applications. I usually use 4 pea sized drops per 2'x2' panel.
And yes, you can work in direct sunlight, just try to avoid surface of a car to be too hot. I avoid work in direct sunlight with outside temperature of 100+ degrees.

05-16-2007, 11:37 AM
I'm with jimmie, figure on 10+ hours at least the first time. My first time was two passes on the car with compound, and then one pass with polish, then one coat of sealant followed by two coats of wax. I estimated I had 12 hours into the car, not including the interior. But I also spent about six separate days on it, so quite a bit of extra time was spent getting set up, etc. where if you can do it in one shot it will save time.

KJW Detailing
05-16-2007, 11:59 AM
yea for the time being most of the work i do will need to be a one shot deal...but a buddy of mine is building a garage in his backyard (hes a tech) but he's making the garage big enough to detail cars in and asked if i wanted to work out of it...

i live in a wooded area so the leaves provide good protection from direct sunlight yet enough light gets through that i'll be able to see what i am doing! i prefer this over the terrible lighting i have to detail with at work...