View Full Version : IPA Mixture

03-16-2013, 03:06 PM
Hey guys I'm just wondering what you guys are mixing for IPA spray for after compounding and polishing? You getting 91% and cutting it half with water or just using straight like 75%. And any alcohol will work right?

03-16-2013, 03:59 PM
10%, mike phillips has an article around here somewhere about why...

03-16-2013, 04:02 PM
When I use to use it I mixed it 50/50.

Lost Highway
03-16-2013, 04:17 PM
I mostly use CarPro Eraser these days but when I use IPA I start with 91% and cut it to one part IPA to four or five parts distilled water.

03-17-2013, 10:01 PM
I decided to buy 50% alcohol because frankly thats all they had in the store haha. so you think a 50/50 split with alcohol to water is a good mixture?

03-17-2013, 10:33 PM
I decided to buy 50% alcohol because frankly thats all they had in the store haha. so you think a 50/50 split with alcohol to water is a good mixture?

Ya that would be ok with distilled water.

03-17-2013, 10:43 PM
Ya that would be ok with distilled water.

Would bottled drinking water be every softer than distilled or is it practically the same

03-17-2013, 10:50 PM
Would bottled drinking water be every softer than distilled or is it practically the same

Distilled Water
Distillation is a purification process that removes nearly all contaminants from the fluid. When you distill water, you boil it in a container with a curved lid that is wider than the vessel you boil it in. The steam condenses on the lid, then runs off into a second container. Contaminants are left in the boiling vessel, resulting in almost pure water in the collection vessel. You can buy distilled bottled water. You can also build a distillation device to render other water drinkable.
Bottled Water
The bottled water industry generates such significant sales, as of 2011, that the disposal of plastic bottles is becoming an environmental concern. Some of this bottled water is distilled. Other brands are filtered -- a process that renders the water cleaner than drinking water, but not as pure as if it were distilled. If you want distilled water, carefully read the label on water bottles before buying.

Read more: Difference Between Distilled Water & Drinking Water | LIVESTRONG.COM (http://www.livestrong.com/article/413578-difference-between-distilled-water-drinking-water/#ixzz2NrNL1ALO)

03-17-2013, 11:08 PM
Now that I'm thinking about it. Most water bottles would be filtered not distilled because of taste. So that was pretty much a dumb question...:doh::doh:

03-18-2013, 02:20 PM
I personally have never seen any significant issue with high IPA levels, I have actually seen more issue with mineral spirits and similar. If you wish to stick to Mike's guidelines (which is never a bad thing!), then keep it to approx. 10% final alcohol. So if you buy 90% IPA, then you need 1 part of that and 8 parts of water. If you buy 50% IPA, you need 1 part of that and 4 parts of water. Just do the math for any concentration you happen to have.

Dilute with demineralised (de-ionised) or distilled (the former is quite sufficient).

Other alcohols will often work just fine but keep in mind they may have things like methanol (methylated spirits or denatured alcohol) as part of the composition, this is quite toxic so the smart man would avoid it.