View Full Version : Cleaning Tuff Shine'd Tires

03-05-2013, 03:05 PM
I wanted to show everyone how amazing the Tuff Shine coating is on tires. I washed the truck recently, but wanted to put another coat on for the heck of it. So what do you need to clean a Tuff Shine'ed tire?

Water and a towel:


Wheel #1


All 4 tires were cleaned / scrubbed with the white towel and distilled water.

Towel after 4 tires:


Quite frankly, the tires seem to now stay cleaner or as clean as paint since applying TS. Keep in mind I just "cleaned" the coating. Try that with a white towel and a previously applied conventional tire dressing.

Here's the "clean" tire before the additional coat. Mind you, Tuff Shine was applied a month ago and the vehicle has been washed probably 7 times:



"Washing" (the 7 times) for me is scrubbing the tire with a Boars Hair Brush and whatever wheel cleaner I'm using. Either DP Wheel Cleaner, CG's Diablo or Sticky Wheel Cleaner. Not to mention we have had snow, salt, and a lot of rain here - which has little affect on TS.

Topping off the Tuff Shine isn't necessary at all at this point. But, adding coats does boost the shine a bit.

When using Tuff Shine, I don't use the supplied foam:


I use this:


So this is what TS looks like when its curing:


So, with normal "dressings", the applicator is black/dirty, often even after the tire was well cleaned and stripped of all dressing. This is what the applicator looks like after applying TS to 4 tires:



The coating has held up very well since last "topping". It's hard to even tell it was topped today (tape line removed):


What it looks like when done


So, what was the whole point of this post?

1. To show you TS holds up extremely well after many washes with wheel cleaner and a brush. Topping it a month out is likely not necessary, as it looked "dressed" to begin with.

2. To show how tires coated with TS stay very clean and only require a quick pass with soap or wheel cleaner to stay clean when you was.

3. To show once tires are coated with TS, little or no maintenance is required often for months.

03-05-2013, 03:13 PM
Wow this is great! Now i'm really tempted to buy some i'm tired of dressings washing off two days after you put it on...

03-05-2013, 03:15 PM
It's the only choice for a DD IMHO.

Old Tiger
03-05-2013, 04:10 PM
It's the only choice for a DD IMHO.
I agree 100%.

03-05-2013, 05:03 PM
It is truly an amazing product but I enjoy dressing my tires after every wash.

03-05-2013, 05:06 PM
SOLD!!! I've been considering TuffShine for months now. I really do not enjoy dressing my truck tires.

03-05-2013, 05:10 PM
It's not so much you don't have to dress them, its that they always looked dressed. You don't have the "life cycle" dressings have: look great, look OK, look spotty, nothing there.

03-05-2013, 05:21 PM
It's not so much you don't have to dress them, its that they always looked dressed. You don't have the "life cycle" dressings have: look great, look OK, look spotty, nothing there.

I wash my car weekly so my tires always look good. My dressings can go a week just fine.