View Full Version : Rent a paint thickness gauge?

03-04-2013, 09:43 PM
I've located an online source where I can rent a PTG for a day - basically they overnight it to you, you use it for a day, and then you send it back - for $60 total.

Mike (in particular), you've seen my BMW when I visited the Geek a month or two ago - it's not perfect and there was some conversation about whether a panel may have been repainted.

That, combined with the fact that I wonder if I at least have the potential of "overdoing it" by going after remaining defects, etc has me thinking this might be a good way to get an accurate assessment of the situation?

Any thoughts very much appreciated!

03-04-2013, 09:53 PM
Too bad you are not in Los Angeles. I'd just loan you mine.

Of course mine only cost about what the deposit is on the other. I have the Harbor Freight cheapo.

03-04-2013, 09:56 PM
Too bad you are not in Los Angeles. I'd just loan you mine.

Of course mine only cost about what the deposit is on the other. I have the Harbor Freight cheapo.

Thanks much Sir - appreciate that. Do you have good / consistent results with the HF version? Not sure I can justify the cost of buying a more expensive version (although looking at my past AG purchases....well nevermind..:dunno:)

Setec Astronomy
03-04-2013, 10:04 PM
You can get a Highline meter for $200-250 (they seem to have gone up; I thought the II was $225).

03-05-2013, 06:52 AM
You can get a Highline meter for $200-250 (they seem to have gone up; I thought the II was $225).

I have never heard of this one. Thanks for the heads up.

03-05-2013, 11:11 AM
You can get a CM8801FN (Highline II Copy) for $150... both the Highline and this other meter are something most anyone should be able to afford.

03-05-2013, 11:59 AM
You can get a CM8801FN (Highline II Copy) for $150... both the Highline and this other meter are something most anyone should be able to afford.

Thanks guys for the information - I'll probably end up picking something like this up.

03-05-2013, 03:46 PM
Unfortunately, the harbor freight meter was discontinued several years ago. During the close-out several people on here got them for 20 bucks!

And mine is very repeatable, as long as I calibrate it before each day's usage. And after calibration I get the same readings as a friends $700.00 meter.
It will only work on metal. And there is no way to differentiate between the total paint thickness and just the clear.

03-05-2013, 04:21 PM
Thanks guys for the information - I'll probably end up picking something like this up.

Check ebay CM8801F mine might be the exact same one works great. Don't wetsand w/o measuring the paint otherwise it's like playing Russian roulette.

03-05-2013, 10:15 PM
Check ebay CM8801F mine might be the exact same one works great. Don't wetsand w/o measuring the paint otherwise it's like playing Russian roulette.

If he goes that route he would probably want to chose the CM8801FN as zmcgovern45 recommended. The FN model does both FE and nFE metals.

03-05-2013, 10:17 PM
Check ebay CM8801F mine might be the exact same one works great. Don't wetsand w/o measuring the paint otherwise it's like playing Russian roulette.

If he goes that route he would probably want to chose the CM8801FN as zmcgovern45 recommended. The FN model does both FE and nFE metals.

Thanks guys I'll likely pick something like the FN model at some point. No wetsanding for me at this point - I'm not feeling quite that dangerous. Just concerned about going at it a bit too much with the DA in my quest for "as good as it gets". Thanks again guys...:xyxthumbs:

03-05-2013, 11:44 PM
I just wrote up a review for that CM8801FN... check it out!
