View Full Version : First Time Detailing: Clay Bar Over night

03-03-2013, 11:48 PM
I've washed my 08 Tundra tons of times but have never actually detailed it, so over the past month I started buying products from AutoGeek.

I knew being a truck and having a lot of space to cover it was going to take some time, at least 6-8 hours. But I started doing it today and all I did was wash the tires/wheels/wheel wells, wash the truck, and clay bar (paint, windows, and chrome - haven't done the wheels). I honestly thought I'd be able to wash it, clay bar it, apply dressing, Klasse AIO w/ a 7424xp, and Klasse SG by hand in one day (10am - 6pm).

My driveway is in sunlight 90% of the day so I had a canopy that barely covered it and I had to move the truck around a few times to make sure the area I was working on was under shade.

I'm going to continue tomorrow: claying the wheels, trim dressing, apply Klasse AIO and SG.

My concern is that I have no choice but to leave it outside (truck doesn't fit in the garage) and my area is having a high level of pollen at the moment. I also will be driving to my dads auto repair shop tomorrow and finish up in an extra garage bay that way I don't have to worry about the sun.

But what should I do tomorrow morning before I continue working on the paint as far as anything that might settle on the paint over night or driving 5 miles? If I don't see much dust on it just continue as is? I have a California car duster, should I use it? I know I could probably use an instant detailer but after claying my truck today I don't have much product left.

03-03-2013, 11:53 PM
I would just give it a quick 2BWM or waterless wash if you have that product.

03-04-2013, 12:10 AM
Another two bucket wash might not be an option as the water at my dads shop is well water. I do have a sample of Detailers Pro Waterless Wash, but that might not be enough. I could stop by at Advance and buy Griot's waterless wash.

03-04-2013, 12:10 AM
You have to wash it in some manner: regular, waterless, or rinseless.

03-04-2013, 12:36 AM
The griots WW could work

Or maybe a quick detailer?

03-04-2013, 01:04 AM
Another two bucket wash might not be an option as the water at my dads shop is well water. I do have a sample of Detailers Pro Waterless Wash, but that might not be enough. I could stop by at Advance and buy Griot's waterless wash.

Stop and get some of the Griot's Waterless or Meguiar's UW&WA. That way you have enough of the right product to get the job done.