View Full Version : How to deal the the ignorance?

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03-03-2013, 12:37 PM
Need to vent a little and ask advice on how to deal with the idiots.

We run a simple waterless car wash & detailing shop at a local shopping center. Yesterday we get in a Tahoe with Chrome wheels. I literally spend about 5 minutes with every new customer explaining how the system works. In my "speech" I explain that just like a typical car wash, we will remove the loose dirt from the vehicles paint and provide short term protection from our water based polymer spray wax. I also explain that embedded dirt and contaminants would need extra work, and that they need to choose one of our details.

Anyways, so after carefully explaining the packages, the owner chooses our second package, which is the most basic in&out service: Wash/wax, rims/tires, door jambs, inside windows, full vacuum to the trunk, interior dash/console dust, & tire shine. Package costs $45. The customer asks if we clean his running boards and says the tunnel car wash he goes to never does despite him repeatedly asking.

His Tahoe was in 6/10 condition for the year, interior was all dirty and stained from his 3-4 boys that piled out, his chrome wheels were pitted and stained, the outside trim was old and dry.

So we do our thing, call the guy when its done and he comes out to inspect & pay. First thing he says is "the wheels aren't clean!", I look down and sure enough, i see one inside spoke had some remaining dirt. So I clean it up and apoligize. Then he points to his pitting chrome and asks why this doesn't come out, he's paying for a car wash and that it should come out. :eek: I show him my rim rag, which has flakes of his chrome on it and tell him that no car wash is going to fix his rims and Neglect has taken its course. He didn't like that too much but moved on. Then he points to his water spotted windshield and says "Isn't that all supposed to come off? What am I paying for here??" :eek::confused::eek: So now I start to explain to him again what he's paying for, and that once again a car WASH removes the loose dirt, and what he sees is calcium deposits left over from tap water and that they require abrasives to remove. We offer the service, but its not included in the package he chose. I can see on his face he doesn't believe me, and Im getting agitated. I go grab my wash and wax & MF, spray it, and with as much force as i could i proceed to scrub the glass while he watches. And of course, the water spots DONt BUDGE! I offer him 50% off a glass water spot removal, but he's not looking to spend any more money. I gave him 20% off the service, handed him his keys and told him to have a nice day.

But this has been bothering me all night.. a way to explain to the customers that there is a difference between a car wash and a detail. But I know, no matter how much explaining I do.. it goes in one ear, out the other. Its like, automatically they assume if they're spending $10 more than the tunnel wash, they're car should come out like brand new. They see my sign that says "Wash & Wax" and think the wax is going to fix their scratches, remove their water spots, remove paint transfer, fix oxidized and pitted rims, etc.

Also, 2 weeks ago we had a work truck come in. Obviously used for construction work by his magnetic sticker and tons of tools and stuff in the bed. He chooses the cheapest, basic wash & wax. I explain to him like everyone else, but he's a hot shot and in a hurry not paying attention. Afterwards he comes and insists on paying before inspection. He then calls me over, and as i walk up he asks me "This don't come out?" and proceeds to use his thumbnail to scratch off what looked like to me as some kind of hard glue, like crazy glue or something that came out from the truck bed. I could hear his nail grinding into the glob and not even a FLAKE come off. I explain to him once again, LOOSE DIRT, and that if his nail isn't taking it off then no car wash on the planet is going to remove it. He gets loud and says "IS THAT A YES OR A NO", and i said NO, but i CAN get it off with more work but I will have to charge you for the extra service. Meanwhile, once again this is a work truck, there's scratches and dents and dings everywhere. It looks like he cleans it every 6 mos. But now that he spent $25, all of a sudden he cares about his truck???


03-03-2013, 12:52 PM
Perhaps offer a written sheet with package info on it, so that way they have to read a menu and pick an option after reading it, that way they understnd what they get, instead of you verbalizing it and have them not listen or understand....

when ever I got to a clients house or place of business in my short detailing career, after I say hello and how ya doing, I hand them a printed out menu with packages they could choose, and have them sign off on it, that way they know what they're getting and what they pay for!

03-03-2013, 12:57 PM
-Sorry you must deal with these "types" of customers...Their:
Course-of-actions...have similar affects upon many sales/service arenas.

-Now, obviously, you will know your market-area better than I...

But it appears, to me, you are being faced with the need
to re-evaluate your service-offerings...and/or your selected
market-area...and the customer-base that lies therein.

Good Luck!



03-03-2013, 01:10 PM
Perhaps offer a written sheet with package info on it, so that way they have to read a menu and pick an option after reading it, that way they understnd what they get, instead of you verbalizing it and have them not listen or understand....

when ever I got to a clients house or place of business in my short detailing career, after I say hello and how ya doing, I hand them a printed out menu with packages they could choose, and have them sign off on it, that way they know what they're getting and what they pay for!

I like that printed menu & signature idea. I currently do have a full color printed menu but use it as a handout when people ask, however the main menu is about 4 ft tall, and 3 ft wide. Standing in front of it is where I explain each package contents, and what to expect from each. Additional add-ons such as water spot removal, scratch removal etc are also listed on it.

03-03-2013, 01:23 PM
But this has been bothering me all night.. a way to explain to the customers that there is a difference between a car wash and a detail. But I know, no matter how much explaining I do.. it goes in one ear, out the other.

Perhaps offer a written sheet with package info on it, so that way they have to read a menu and pick an option after reading it, that way they understnd what they get, instead of you verbalizing it and have them not listen or understand....

:iagree: When you're explaining the service to the customer point out as many of the 'extras' as you can that are not included, write them on the sheet w/ the service they have selected and have them sign it. This way they it's clear, to you at least, what they're getting & what they're not. Because as much as people don't listen, they don't read either.

03-03-2013, 01:30 PM
But it appears, to me, you are being faced with the need
to re-evaluate your service-offerings...and/or your selected
market-area...and the customer-base that lies therein.

Good Luck!



I've been re-evaluating for months, i just haven't made the plunge yet. Instead of a 3'x4' menu, I'll be making it about 7'wide and 5' tall.

The customer base.. lol.. doesn't get any better with distance. I really wish i could figure out a way that isn't too time consuming, that breaks it down to an elementary level that even a monkey can understand. But its impossible.

Bottom line is that certain people just have no common sense, or they have unreasonable expectations.

I know we're not perfect, however over 50% of our daily business is repeat customers.. Out of 13 cars done yesterday, 8 were repeats. We rarely get any complaints, but when we do its almost ALWAYS from people with dirty, neglected vehicles that think the wax is going to turn their car from a POS, to a new car.

One of the ways i'm thinking of tuning my services is to raise up my prices in hopes of driving away those neglected cars. I much rather them go to the drive through. I think my price point is too close to the machine wash, and people are thinking because it says "Wax" it must be a detail or something. I dunno. SMH

03-03-2013, 01:44 PM
damn this is very interesting

03-03-2013, 01:49 PM
Hate to offer my $.02 of pessimistic value but I don't think a menu will alleviate your problems. I have been involved with cars in a repair capacity, customizing capacity and detailing capacity. My fellow autogeekers, the issue isn't giving the great unwashed (get it?) a menu to read. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE READING. They don't know what spot removal is. They don't know why the $1,500 wheels are pitting. But when they return, they do know YOU suck at cleaning their $1500 wheels. It is of the highest importance to cover the cars needs BEFORE anything is done. If you see issues before work is started, they can be addressed, worked through and solved without a customer telling you what a rip off you are. You're a rip off because he/she has no idea what you did or did not do to their car. You're a rip off because THEY don't know what pitting is or why it happened. We are the experts. We are the gals and guys who invested tons of money into equipment and chemicals. However, we have to be the experts who take the time to educate our customers. That way, the customer is always right.

03-03-2013, 02:01 PM
Hate to offer my $.02 of pessimistic value but I don't think a menu will alleviate your problems. I have been involved with cars in a repair capacity, customizing capacity and detailing capacity. My fellow autogeekers, the issue isn't giving the great unwashed (get it?) a menu to read. THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT THEY'RE READING.

This true, and the reason why I don't just say "there's my menu, choose an option". I made the decision to go over each option until the customer chooses one.

However, with my new menu concept, I am contemplating a dual purpose menu. One side with "Car Wash" and the other with "Detailing" options. Then when they come in, I can ask if they're interested in a car wash, or a detail and proceed to explain to them options based on that.

I have a feeling with that kind of setup, it might help.

Scenario 1 customer says "Detail": They see high prices, lots of work & time, and either will buy it, or say "too much, how about a car wash". This should automatically lower their expectations because the work is now "cheaper".

Scenario 2 customer says "Car Wash": They see low prices, fast service and if they complain, I can always mention that they chose the lesser option over the expensive ones.


03-03-2013, 02:09 PM
They don't know what spot removal is. They don't know why the $1,500 wheels are pitting. But when they return, they do know YOU suck at cleaning their $1500 wheels. It is of the highest importance to cover the cars needs BEFORE anything is done. If you see issues before work is started, they can be addressed, worked through and solved without a customer telling you what a rip off you are. You're a rip off because he/she has no idea what you did or did not do to their car. You're a rip off because THEY don't know what pitting is or why it happened. We are the experts. We are the gals and guys who invested tons of money into equipment and chemicals. However, we have to be the experts who take the time to educate our customers. That way, the customer is always right.

Very true, however for us, we are volume based. We cant always spend 20 minutes going over a car. That and many times we cant tell if there's hard water stains under the layer of dirt they have. Also color plays a part, the lighter cars is so hard to tell if there's water spots while they're dirty. Of course pitted rims are obvious.

You really never know what kind of customers you have in front of you. Some may be savvy, and understand its just a $20 wash. And you dont want to come off as condescending explaining to them the flaws on their vehicle will not be fixed with this option. You dont want to tell someone they're car is in such bad shape that a car wash wont help it. Maybe they already know, or maybe they think its in tip top shape?

We have customers that say "its DIRRRRTY in there" then i go look and its not that bad.. just to THEM its dirty. Then in reverse some say "its not that bad" and it looks like a dirt bomb exploded in there.

03-03-2013, 02:10 PM
You should spend more time evaluating the car in front of them when explaining what you do. Pitting, scratches, water spots need special treatment to fix and if you explain to the customer BEFORE you start that it will not be fixed, they cannot complain.

Also you have to brace yourself for the customer and profile them. If a guy looks like he will give you a hard time, he probably will. A lot of people expect top notch work at a low price in a small amount of time!

03-03-2013, 02:32 PM
jrs1418, you are correct in not being able to spend 20 minutes per car. Especially in volume based service. But maybe a quick walk around and trying to gauge what type of customer is in front of you could help. A quick explanation of wash vs. detail. I know is sounds simple and I am absolutely not trying to simplify what you do!! Please don't misread my post. I detailed my nieces 2002 pearl Maxima last spring and it took her 2 months to see all the things I did to 'detail' it. In the same breath, I can wash my sisters 1996 Lexus and she thinks it looks better than new and the tires aren't even dressed. Trust me, we both came under a father who still doesn't know why someone let's their car go dirty for more than one day.
I think we have to understand what the customers expectations are of the work that's going to be performed. It's tougher in your line with trying to get everybody through and keep them happy. But never underestimate that people are going to you because you're the pro. Doesn't matter if you're working our of a building or a cargo van. You're the pro. It's always harder for you too because you're NOT a building with a group of teenagers that don't even know what spray wax is. Hard to complain to them.
Another piece that does escape us sometimes is...we can't please everyone. It's true. I've "fired" customers before that I knew there was no pleasing. Even had one tell me she would work with me because and I quote "I know if I complained enough, you'd fix it for free." I guess that's as backhanded a compliment as you can get. She knew no one else could get her car (black ES350) as nice looking for the same amount of money. Stand you're ground and remember who the pro is!!

03-03-2013, 02:33 PM
Bottom line is that certain people just have no common sense, or they have unreasonable expectations.

That's exactly it. Sometimes you just can't fix stupid. There are a lot of people out there that just do not understand quality. They expect everything for nothing. Ya gotta roll with the punches man. Treat your customers that know what they're getting is a good deal good and make some money off the idiots that don't get it cause they prolly won't be back.

03-03-2013, 02:39 PM
+1 can't fix stupid

03-03-2013, 03:23 PM
+2 Defintely can't fix stupid, I'd say something but these other gents have said it all :)

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