View Full Version : Is there really a difference between the fine and medium grade speedy prep towel?

02-27-2013, 03:30 PM
Geeze, I haven't been on this site in what seems like forever!! Anyways I wanted to see if you guys believe that there is a difference between the fine and medium grade prep towel. I was talking with another distributor and he told me there is rumor that they are the exact same material. I stated using the prep towel because people claimed that after a few uses that the medium towel wouldn't mare the paint. Well I have yet to experience that. Maybe if the paint is super hard but it usually mares the paint for me. I thought that maybe the fine grade would be suitable for cars that are regularly maintained and not mare the paint.

What is your experience??


02-27-2013, 04:28 PM
subed - Interested as well as I just got my fine grade towel.

02-27-2013, 04:40 PM
My fine grade has yet to mar paint. I keep it extremely lubed

02-27-2013, 04:42 PM
Im interested as well to hear the differences. Im looking to replace my clay bars with a clay alternative such as these.

02-27-2013, 04:47 PM
Im interested as well to hear the differences. Im looking to replace my clay bars with a clay alternative such as these.

If it is the same as the Nanoscrub mitt, the fine grade is for light to moderate contamination and medium is for moderate to severe contamination.

I selected the fine grade and have use it on several moderately contaminated vehicles and have had no issues passing the "baggie test". As Roshan pointed out, the key is lube. Keep it very lubricated and it will make you wish you had switched away from conventional clay earlier.

On the flip side, if you like to see how dirty the paint was based on the filth on the clay, you will never be able to enjoy the sight.


Small price to pay and something you can live with after the 3rd time you drop the mitt and just wash it and keep going rather than going "here is more money in the trash" from having dropped conventional clay.

02-27-2013, 04:51 PM
The difference between the "medium" grade and the "fine" grade is NIGHT and DAY. My comments are on another post.

02-28-2013, 12:41 PM
Ok I guess Ill try the fine grade towel.