View Full Version : Remove sticky adhesive????

02-24-2013, 09:25 PM
I screwed up guys and need HELP!!!
I removed the clear bra edges (I think that is what they are) from a Toyota (http://www.autogeekonline.net/forum/auto-detailing-101/61156-ticky-adhesive.html#) Thundra and tried to remove the sticky adhesive left behind. The bad news is I tried rubbing alcohal and most of you know what has happened, like pitting paint and don't know what else yet.
The main question is how to remove the (like concrete) adhesive that I have in five other places on the truck?

Cincy Colorado
02-24-2013, 09:28 PM
Goo Gone, WD-40


02-24-2013, 09:40 PM
Oh man I just did 5.5 hours of vinyl removal and it sucked, best thing was laquer thinner for me when the normal stuff just didn't cut it.

02-25-2013, 10:46 AM
Tarminator or 3M Adhesive Remover. Both work great. I have had to use a plastic razor blade to help with removing the adhesive on a few occasions.

02-25-2013, 11:21 AM
I've found that 3M adhesive remover is harder and harder to come by, but that's certainly my go-to. Bug & Tar remover is usually good for this type of stuff, as is acetone and mineral spirits. Just be cautious with those latter two, and obviously you'll want to rinse well and (re)apply sealant/wax when finished. Also, heat is your friend for this kind of stuff.

Honestly, and just my take, the "Goo" products and WD-40 aren't as effective for really strong adhesives. You end up using a lot of elbow grease, creating some marring/swirling in the process. Between that effort, and the follow up polishing/correcting process, you spend a lot of time.

02-25-2013, 06:41 PM
3M Wax and Adhesive Remover indeed ...

Johny B
02-25-2013, 07:08 PM
Tarminator or Goo Gone.

02-25-2013, 09:38 PM
Goo Gone (:

02-26-2013, 12:07 AM
+1 on 3M adhesive remover

02-26-2013, 04:30 AM
Autofinesse ObliTARate also works well at removing residue