View Full Version : ticky adhesive

02-24-2013, 09:17 PM
I screwed up guys and need HELP!!!
I removed the clear bra edges (I think that is what they are) from a Toyota Thundra and tried to remove the sticky adhesive left behind. The bad news is I tried rubbing alcohal and most of you know what has happened, like pitting paint and don't know what else yet.
The main question is how to remove the (like concrete) adhesive that I have in five other places on the truck?

02-24-2013, 09:49 PM
3M Adhesive Remover.

02-24-2013, 11:10 PM
I would use Goo Gone, since that is available locally. That works pretty well on most adhesives. I stocked up on 4 bottles of the Griots Adhesive Remover that's been on BOGO here a few times. It's good stuff and doesn't leave the slippery stuff behind that Goo Gone leaves. IPA does little to nothing to remove adhesives IME.

I've ran into some adhesives, like the 3M adhesive tape for trim / badges that nothing, I mean nothing, would remove. Luckily it was stuck on the trim, not the car and I was able to replace the trim.

Warming it with a heat gun can help if its very difficult. I know with most of the adhesive remover products, if you let them sit a while on the surface it does seem to help. It may take a few products and trial and error if its really hard to remove.

I've used Goo Gone and the Griots product on paint without any issues, but you may want to try whatever you are using on an inconspicuous area first, especially if its a repaint.

Goof Off should be available locally and I hear that it is very good as well - but, I've never used it.