View Full Version : Hiding swirls between polishing (glaze)

05-08-2007, 08:20 PM
My car has a real soft clear and I start to get noticeable swirling (to me) about 3 months after polishing. Now I don't want to polish my car every 4 months cause I want my clear to last. The clear is soft enough to remove moderate swirls with OP/Edge blue on my rotary.

I want something that will hide my minor swirls between polishing. I want to lightly polish the car about once every 6 months at the most. I don't really want anything that will take any clear off. I will be applying the glaze with my rotary/white pad. The car will then be sealed with Wolfgang DGPS and them topped with either Max Wax or CG Petes '53.

What is the durability of a glaze if it is sealed on top? I want to get some decent life out of the glaze so I can hide my swirls as long as possible.

PS: I have tried Megs #7 glaze and hate it, so try not to recommend that. ;)

05-08-2007, 08:36 PM
I would look into Chemical Guys EZ-Creme glaze, with a PC it will remove light swirls and it has an acylic makeup so it last pretty much as long as whatever you top it with, unlike other glazes that eventually wash away even when topped witha wax. Plus I even think it has a touch better look then RMG which is pretty incredible to say.

05-08-2007, 10:18 PM
Doughnut glaze.....mmmmmm Krispy Kreme.....

But seriously tubby, I let you use the Wolfgang glaze, and it looked great with tthe DGPS. I would keep that high up on the list.

05-09-2007, 12:13 AM
I would look into Chemical Guys EZ-Creme glaze, with a PC it will remove light swirls and it has an acylic makeup so it last pretty much as long as whatever you top it with, unlike other glazes that eventually wash away even when topped witha wax. Plus I even think it has a touch better look then RMG which is pretty incredible to say.
Sounda like a good glaze that can be topped with sealant. And probably the only good glaze that can be topped with a sealant.

05-09-2007, 10:11 AM
Sounda like a good glaze that can be topped with sealant. And probably the only good glaze that can be topped with a sealant.

I know for a fact that the Wolfgang glaze was made to work with the Woldgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant, and they look excellent together. I also think that the pinnicale glaze and sealant go together, but I'm not positive.

05-09-2007, 10:25 AM
Danase has a paint glaze, Wet Glaze, that doesn't contain any oils or anything so the glaze can bond with sealants.

05-09-2007, 11:26 AM
I know for a fact that the Wolfgang glaze was made to work with the Woldgang Deep Gloss Paint Sealant, and they look excellent together. I also think that the pinnicale glaze and sealant go together, but I'm not positive.

I don't think that the Pinnacle XMT glaze works with sealants cause it's carnauba based. However I can seal then cover it with a glaze then wax. I would have to glaze by hand though.

Or since I wax my car every 4 weeks anyway I might as well not seal it and just glaze/wax. Then I don't have to worry about compatibilty.

05-09-2007, 11:34 AM
The Danase Wet Glaze is very good and has some filling properties. It does not contain any cleaner/abrasives. I believe it is made by CG for Danase.

CG's EZ Creme Glaze is similar, but does contain some minor cleaner/abrasives. Either can be topped with a sealant or carnauba.

05-09-2007, 11:35 AM
Wolfgang makes a finishing polish with some light fillers, might be best of both worlds.

05-09-2007, 09:23 PM
I have the danase wet glaze and have used it 4 times. I like it because it will definately boost the wet look noticeably and can go over and under sealants and carnauba but it didn't have any filling ability. Also, word on the street at autopia is that it doesn't do any filling, just adds wetness.

05-10-2007, 11:04 AM
IMHO, the "filling" capabilites of products is pretty subjective and minor at best. For me, both CG's WMF and Danase's Wet Glaze seemed to help hide small imperfections, but it may just be that the gloss/wetness made it difficult to tell. Both of these products can go under or over sealants and waxes.

05-10-2007, 11:51 AM
rmg is the only glaze that i have found to have substantial fillers for what i think you are looking for...i have applied in on cars that have minor swirling and spiderwebbing and they almost intantly disappear...its temporary and you can only top it with a carnauba...but it did its job very well...makes the paint look really deep and wet...