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02-10-2013, 05:15 AM
Hi to all

I have a doubt about Duragloss ,here in Spain only have acces to DG 105,DG101, DG601 and DG111

I have a white Renault Clio and want a strong cleanser for bring back the true white bright, Which has more cleaning power, the DG101 or DG105?

was thinking about using DG501 but in Spain its impossible to get.


02-10-2013, 06:46 AM
For 501 visit a marina or boat sales area? Won't be sold by auto store perhaps. If not I'd do 101 first then finish with 105 about 3 hours later. Also mix in 601 with each product 4:1 rations, so for example Blend 4 parts #101 to 1 part 601 on the pad or in bottle just before application, and use it up.

02-10-2013, 07:13 AM
Ok so DG101 has strong cleaning agents like DG501?

And DG105 has mild cleaning agents and seals the paint for a good finish i suppose.

02-10-2013, 07:51 AM
Mixing on the pad does not guarantee a true blend. Not sure who came up with it but it is not recommended.

02-10-2013, 08:21 AM
Mixing on the pad does not guarantee a true blend. Not sure who came up with it but it is not recommended.

+1.... seems odd to even think about the pros/cons. Personally, I would spend the 10 min. and mix them properly.

02-10-2013, 08:54 AM
According to Dr Bailey at Duragloss:

111 = pure sealant rated 1 on cleaning ability
101 = rated about 4-5 on cleaning ability
105 = rated about 9-10 on cleaning ability

So 105 may remove any protection offered by 101 if you use 101 first. If you wan to layer his recommendation was to use 105 first then 111.

501 of course has the most cleaning ability.

02-10-2013, 09:40 AM
+1.... seems odd to even think about the pros/cons. Personally, I would spend the 10 min. and mix them properly.

Or I would assume, like the Duragloss folks reccommend, to apply 601 first, then their other products.

I can understand why you folks like blending though, as two full applications of 601-whatever, are double the work, and by blending, one cuts their time in 1/2. Mark

02-10-2013, 09:54 AM
OK so 105 will do the trick since 501 isnt available in Spain.

I will top it with Aquawax after every wash for the best results.

Thanks guys

02-10-2013, 09:59 AM
According to Dr Bailey at Duragloss:

111 = pure sealant rated 1 on cleaning ability
101 = rated about 4-5 on cleaning ability
105 = rated about 9-10 on cleaning ability

So 105 may remove any protection offered by 101 if you use 101 first. If you wan to layer his recommendation was to use 105 first then 111.

501 of course has the most cleaning ability.

Are you positive abou that...about using 111 after 105?
You're the first person I've ever seen recommending their use in that order...and there are quite a few people on this forum who us it.

According to Autogeek's descriptions of each product DG105 is the only product listed as a "durable sealant" and touted to last the longest. At least that's what I recall from memory, and without doing a search. Perhaps my memory fails me.

02-10-2013, 10:08 AM
Hi Bill, I'm not sure of this either, in regards to #111 versus #105?

I get the impression #105 has some cleaners, and #111 doesn't, and that #111 is a pure non-cleaning Sealant-Coating?

I note #111 is usually less money than #105 by about a dollar, but the #111 is only 8oz of product, versus the #105 being 16oz. Mark

02-10-2013, 10:26 AM
Duragloss Polish & Cleaner (PC) #101 (http://www.autogeek.net/duragloss-polish---cleaner.html) "6 months"

Duragloss Clear Coat Polish (CCP) #111 (http://www.autogeek.net/duragloss-clear-coat-polish.html) "6 months"

Duragloss Total Performance Polish (TPP) # 105 (http://www.autogeek.net/duragloss-total-performance-polish.html) "...will last a year..." and refers to duragloss bug remover.

However, the description on bug remover Duragloss Bug Remover (BR) #471 (http://www.autogeek.net/duragloss-bug-remover.html) refers to DG111 as, at least one, durable sealant. Then again, this >>> Duragloss Clear Coat Polish (CCP) #111 (http://www.autogeek.net/duragloss-clear-coat-polish.html) <<< is only touted to last 6 months according to the AG description while also being refered to as a durable sealant, though not the longest like this >>>Duragloss Total Performance Polish (TPP) # 105 (http://www.autogeek.net/duragloss-total-performance-polish.html) <<< which says, "TPP #105 shields the paint through automatic car washes, acid rain and spot cleaners for up to a year," which brings me back to sticking by my post.

However, I can only go by what is written in the AGO descriptions. Perhaps others like wright, or richy, who use these products often and are in contact often with Dr. Bailey often, can weigh in on the subject. They may even know about some other "durable sealants" in "beta testing".

Klasse Act
02-10-2013, 10:43 AM
Add #601 to #105 like stated earlier in the thread, this way you can apply another coat afterwards, like #105 and add #601 to it if you plan on finishing up with a single coat of #111. Since the car is a Clio, about 1.5 oz would be enough to do the car once, including the windows. I have a CRZ and I use about about 1.0-1.5 oz's of DG products on my own car.

Good luck with your car and post some pics, cool little ride for sure!

Sent from my SPH-M930 using AG Online

02-10-2013, 10:56 AM
I think a lot depends on the condition of the paint. I bought a new car last May and wrote Jerry at Duragloss a question concerning the use of his products on new cars. Here is what he wrote back, "The 501 is only needed for older paint that is oxidized or has lots of fine scratches. Stay with the 601/105 combination and you will not have to use anything else". I then wrote back to ask specifically about their 111 and here was his response to that: "We recommend using the lightest pad which in this case would be the finish pad. You can also use this for the 601 and 105. Another tip on these products is that you can mix them so that you only have one application. Mix 4 parts 105 to 1 part 601. Only mix what you will need. It works great. Buff with a microfiber towel. The 111, Clear Coat Polish is what we recommend on new vehicles. That is all you will need."

So, it appears that the various Duragloss products have a specific function in mind and are formulated for that purpose. They can all be used effectively on anything (even boats) but excel only if you marry them to the specific kind and condition of paint you have and the amount of correction you need.

In my case, after claying I use the 601/105 combo one time. My second application is 601/111. On my rock hard German "diamond white" paint, the 111 seems "whiter" and brighter than the 105, but not by much. When the car is sparkling clean after a wash I have started to get away from using "toppers" (although AW is a great topper) and simply apply another coat of 111. I do that because it is that simple to apply and buff out and really not much more work than a spray booster - but the looks and protection with 111 are better than any topper can provide, even AW itself.

Next time I try a full detail and maybe experiment with something else, I'll strip with CG Citrus Clear wash, followed by P21S GEPC just to be sure the Duragloss products are gone because they are pretty durable.

02-10-2013, 11:35 AM
I could be wrong but I think DG 105 has some minor abrasives in it which assists in the cleaning.

Klasse Act
02-10-2013, 11:58 AM
Well since #111 is pure sealant you'd wanna use it last, right and its very close in price compared to #101, infact price isn't even concern with DG products, this makes them even more attractive IMO!

Sent from my SPH-M930 using AG Online