View Full Version : the Furry Fluffy Four legged Feline Friends thread

01-31-2013, 05:26 PM
Post pictures of your cats and / or tell stories about them here...

This one is Blue he looks a little ruffled cuz the UPS man woke him up.


There is more where he came from to.


01-31-2013, 05:38 PM
These are my critters :)

01-31-2013, 06:21 PM
Here is Chance sleeping on Mocha. They have been together 20+ years, until last year and now Chance is sleeping eternally.

This is one of Blue in "badass" mode!


Blue is just a regular cat, he got his name because he wore a blue collar that was used to tell him apart from his twin brother that wore a red collar and was aptly named Red. Unfortunately Red was bit by a dog and succumbed to jaundice a few years ago.

01-31-2013, 06:24 PM

01-31-2013, 09:20 PM
Buz (Ragdoll):


Chester (mut)


I really love my cats quite a bit. Whenever I'm in the house one of them is by my side or trying to sit on my lap. Most of the time, I'd rather be with cats than people. They are very relaxing to spend time with.

01-31-2013, 09:34 PM
nice little kitty's...

please keep them off my car...


01-31-2013, 10:55 PM
I do feral saves.

Currently have eight cats around the property. Four indoor only that I caught as kittens. One big male indoor-outdoor cat currently sleeping on my keyboard. And three that are outdoor only. All have been spayed or neutered. The oldest outdoor is 19 years old and still doing fine.

Last night there was a huge ruckus outside about 11pm. Thought it was fighting cats but it was a pair of racoons. They went at it for 20 minutes and scared all the cats away.

Since I have been catching and fixing the feral cats the colony has gone from close to 40 cats down to the eight. And no new kittens in the last couple of years. And 20 years ago I would find around 20 dead kittens a year run over in the streets around me. Now none.

So the catch, fix, and release is doing it's job. But now, of course, with fewer cats loose we have lots more mice.

01-31-2013, 11:07 PM
The brats, youngest to oldest:
Reo, 3 years old, 4 lbs and RULES the roost

Gizmo (and Patty, my beautiful wife), 7 years old and is the other household Hippie.. The largest and most passive Pom on earth

Milo, the Godfadda cat.. 14 years old and down to about 14 lbs... He's a quirky fella, for sure...

01-31-2013, 11:26 PM
nice little kitty's...

please keep them off my car...

I wold rather remove cat prins from my car then have mice eating my car from the inside out not to mention the the amount of feces left by the mice. Here is what they did to the air box of my STi :mad:


01-31-2013, 11:40 PM
I wold rather remove cat prins from my car then have mice eating my car from the inside out not to mention the the amount of feces left by the mice. Here is what they did to the air box of my STi :mad:


Lil bastids....

02-01-2013, 12:32 AM
I wold rather remove cat prins from my car then have mice eating my car from the inside out not to mention the the amount of feces left by the mice. Here is what they did to the air box of my STi :mad:


Let me guess you discovered this because of the smell! Looks horrible!

02-01-2013, 01:09 AM
No that's cat food they have been stealing as I was trying to get my outdoor cat to stay i n the barn but the dogs keep chasing it away. That wasn't a problem before the girlfriend and dogs moved in :mad:

02-01-2013, 01:21 AM
This is Dinah, my little Maine Coon, she's about 8 months old now and about 10-11 Lbs, she's gonna be huge haha

02-01-2013, 01:39 AM
I wold rather remove cat prins from my car then have mice eating my car from the inside out not to mention the the amount of feces left by the mice. Here is what they did to the air box of my STi :mad:

I was over at a friends house and his cat jumped up on the hood of my truck. We both cringed as we heard the cats claws screeching on my paint as the cat slid down half the length of my hood. It took me an hour of sanding and buffing to get those scratches out. Now every time I stop by his house I pop the latch and raise the hood.

Years ago heading to work I came out and found fur all over the hood of my black 1957 Chevrolet. Two cats had to have been fighting or copulating on my car! That didn't buff out... I just stayed after work that day (body man) and resprayed the hood.

Paw prints you say... not with my luck :youknow: