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05-04-2007, 05:37 PM
I played Hookie today from work I was so aggravated ..I got up at 5 am and took the dogs out...waited for the sun to get to the yard...and the dew to leave the paint.....I gathered my stuff up ..had a coffe and took a pain killer as I know I was going to ache...

here is what the swirls were like on the truck...did not take alot as this is what it looked like mostly all over the truck


My weapons of choice was menzrna polishes....IP..106FF and 85RD as the finish touch...did not use the Polycharger...had a different plan today


pads were CCS green and white...but I used the green on one spot..the white did it all...no need to go heavy on the pad with Menzerna...I was Amazed how well it cut with just a polishing pad....I used a PC for tight spaces and a rotary on the open areas....

Here is the hood done..this was a bad area also....


the next bad area was the roof door line..it was swirled bad..here it is fixed


the fenders were bad..I should say it was all bad..but here it is fixed


I worked my way around the whole truck....and finally got it done..not 100% ..but better....I do a big detail on it in June..I like doing it with the heat and cold beer..so this will hold me over...the one I did the other day was a spring cleaning..today was a screw up cleaning...

ok..the polishing is done...now to clean it up for a sealant....I foamed it and then pressure washed it to get all the polish residue out of the crevices and rubbers...

This is a cheap foam gun for my pressure washer...and works great..I have a foam lance but it is out borrowed now...I used chemical Guys citrus wash...I mixed 1/2 oz to a half gallon of water and filled my canister...nice foam for a mild ratio



Now..I patted it down dry...I went inside to kill the dogs....They ate 2 pads today and 3 MF towels....so far thats 3 pads and 5 MF they ate since I started this last week...it was my fault....I left them on the porch and they just think its toys...I never hit my dogs...scold them..lol...

Ok..here is some shots of the sealant on the paint...Today I ventured a little...since I am doing the truck in late June I wanted to play with some thing I had and never tried except for the Speed Glaze from Danase...I applied the Speed Glaze first....let it haze a bit and wiped it down..then applied Factory Sealant from CG's...a sealant that cures in 5 minutes...no 12 hour wait...I still like my DG..but wanted to try this as you never how good something is till you try it..it was a sample Paul sent me...I was Impressed how easy it was to use...

Some shots of it after buffing it off..




a few more and I am done





Over all I am tired...lol....The CG product was very nice to work with..has a nice gloss and very slick...how durable it is..I do not know....would I use it again...YES...tomorrow it should show its true colors as it ages and sets in

Thanks Al

PS...I called the Owner today at the dealership..I told him the problem..I emailed him some pictures...he was in a agreement to pay me a days pay for taking off work...I told him I make 250 a day..he said fine..come by and collect the check...he was very sorry that happened..he was informed first thing this morning by a employee...lol....


05-04-2007, 05:50 PM
Looks great Al, AND its RED

5 min Cure time sounds like heaven.

05-04-2007, 05:52 PM
hey man...looks really good :)

05-04-2007, 05:56 PM
Glad that it all worked out for you, Al. Truck looks great now!! Time to rest up this weekend!

05-04-2007, 06:03 PM
You corrected the problems compliments of your dealer's oil spill, correct? Ever think of contacting The dog whisperer for your pad eating pups? This isn't the first time. I would have a problem dealing with that more than once.

The truck looks fantastic!

05-04-2007, 06:49 PM
Al your truck looks really great. I'm glad it all worked out for you. :)

05-04-2007, 07:08 PM
Looks nice again AL..Let me know if still the the note for work LOL

Gary Sword
05-04-2007, 07:16 PM
Nice job Al, I'm glad the dealer is going to pay you for your time.

05-04-2007, 07:42 PM
Wow Al. Can't beleive that you're going to do it again in June. It looks great. Glad that the owner worked with you on this.

05-04-2007, 08:10 PM
HOLY CRAP! Looks so deep I could fall into it! Looks outstanding....glad they worked it out for you. I'm getting some PO85RD Tuesday.......can't wait! The roots are really deep in your hood:p


05-04-2007, 08:49 PM
What is the difference between the pro line menzerna and the regular line? Is the pro line for roteries and the other for PC?

Stittville Ed
05-04-2007, 09:10 PM
Great looking work Al

05-04-2007, 09:17 PM
Oh Sorry AL, nice recovery, if thats your clean up work I can't wait to see your June detail.

05-04-2007, 09:29 PM
Superb!!! menzerna polishes rock!!!:righton:

05-05-2007, 01:56 AM
Great work Al. You showed that dealership who's boss!! 5 minute cure time sounds REALLY REALLY nice :D hope to hear about the durability.