View Full Version : Falling headliner...

01-19-2013, 11:31 PM
Got a headliner in an '05 Mercury Marque that is falling near the read brake light. Anyone have any tips for repairing this myself while making it appear professionally done? A couple of places on either side of the light about 10 inches long. Seems to have come loose where it meets the window. Doesn't appear to be falling in the middle areas.

I wonder if this doesn't spell a problem with moisture leaking it since it's near the back glass?

01-20-2013, 12:08 AM
You need to use a spray glue to fix it. If you could post a pic I could tell you more so I can see what's going on.

01-20-2013, 01:13 AM
I wonder if this doesn't spell a problem with moisture leaking it since it's near the back glass?

If you could post a pic


Hi Bill...

Are there any water-spots/staining on the headliner?
You know...those ol' brownish-looking markings...
like you see on dropped ceiling panels at some restaurants/fast-food joints. :eek:

If so...
Wherever the moisture is gaining entrance to the cabin area must first
be remediated, before re-gluing a headliner...As Pureshine points out:

You need to use a spray glue to fix it.



01-26-2013, 11:03 PM
Sorry I've been so long with my reply.

I'm not sure if there are any spots or not. I've only seen it from behind the rear of the car...from the outside looking into the car.

However, if there was any spotting I would have thought one of my parents would have seen it. I'll have them look, and maybe I can look also. The car is kept in the garage.

Once I look for spots I'll have a better idea of what to expect I suppose. Any recommendations on glue?