View Full Version : Autoscrub pad glued to the carboard ? How to remove ?

01-11-2013, 05:11 AM
Guys I worked a few days back with my autoscrub, rinsed and dried it.... but now I tried to take it out from the cardboard that came with it and the rubber face is almost glued to it.... how can I remove my pad without damaging it ?

And btw, what's the right way to store it ?

01-11-2013, 05:50 AM
ok.. here's what i did...
Warmed some water and this eased a lot the removal from the cardboard... although now I got some residue left on the pad.... tried to run it over a glass and didn't helped, now I'm using some more warm water and the stiff nylon brush I use to clean the pads and seems to be doing the work.... I just hope it won't damage the pad itself...