View Full Version : Permanon Platinum

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01-10-2013, 12:59 PM
So... AG finally carries Permaon, i thought this is my chance to grab a bottle and try it out.

I've heard they have some durability problem, so can someone tell me if the New version of Permanon taken care of this already? I'd hate to spend over $130 and not have a good durability for it.....

Also... i thought Permaon is a spray on and buff off type of thing.... but according to AG site, u suppose to spray it on and wash it off? So which one is the right way to apply....?

PS: I am a hobby detailer that only detail my personal vehicles... so i was wondering if anyone want to pitch in and spilt 50/50 of a 500ml or 1 liter Permanon with me.... Pm me if interested

01-10-2013, 01:23 PM
I've been playing with Permanon for about 18 months or longer. In fact, I set up a Group Buy for it at L2D. It is a great product. It's true strength IMO, is the fact that you can spray it on a surface like the barrels of a wheel for example and then blow it off without wiping. There is currently no other product around that works that way that I know of. The other thing is that its chemistry is also unique with the negative bonding that it does.
In fact, I'll link a review, both written and video, that I did on the product at the time. To answer your question, there are several ways to apply it. You can look on Permanon's site directly too for FAQ's, etc. I use a paint gun to do it as it mists it the best way possible, using the least amount of product. I then use a mf soaked with ONR to wipe it off and follow that with a drying mf. Permanon give a VERY slick surface that repels dust and works well over coatings.

Permanon Review (http://www.live2detail.com/showthread.php?2255-Permanon-Review&highlight=permanon+review)

01-10-2013, 01:33 PM
Thanks to Richy, Jim and other fine folks over on L2D I was able to get in on the group by. This is an amazing product and if there's one product that's easy to apply and actually repels dust and dirt making washing easy this is it!


01-10-2013, 01:41 PM
The thing is, it won't bond to traditional LSPs per the instructions. Probably great if you have a coating though.

01-10-2013, 01:42 PM
Permanon has got to be the easiest product to apply. After washing, spray over a wet car and dry.

01-10-2013, 01:48 PM
There are easy and hard ways to use this product.

I bought from Richy's group buy a year or so ago.

My own methods may seem pretty unconventional so., I'll chime in after I see a few of yours.

Easily used this product requires very little time and less effort.

01-10-2013, 01:50 PM

01-10-2013, 01:59 PM
So as of now, i understand Permanon is not your typical spray wax or sealant.

U have to fine mist spray the Permanon mixture all over the paint and either rinse off or wipe off.

01-10-2013, 02:38 PM
So as of now, i understand Permanon is not your typical spray wax or sealant.

U have to fine mist spray the Permanon mixture all over the paint and either rinse off or wipe off.

You can lay it on heavily, it makes it no more effective and with the cost so high, the aim is for the least amount of product to yield the best result.

01-10-2013, 02:41 PM
In the video, the guy Larry i believe, said that u cant just spray in spots and spread it.
You have to lay a even fine mist coat all over and hose it off or wipe off right?

01-10-2013, 02:53 PM
i was wondering if anyone want to pitch in and spilt 50/50 of a 500ml or 1 liter Permanon with me.... Pm me if interested
^^^I'd be interested^^^...IF:

If these variables were to be further explained:

{Besides more concentration of: Silicium (14Si)...(If indeed so);
and, these products costs/price-points}...

What's the difference(s) between:
-Permanon Platinum
-Permanon Car Supershine
-Permanon Diamond

Thanks in advance to those that offer explanations/advise/guidance
to these queries of mine..



01-10-2013, 03:37 PM
In the video, the guy Larry i believe, said that u cant just spray in spots and spread it.
You have to lay a even fine mist coat all over and hose it off or wipe off right?

Yes, it basically needs to bond as it's sprayed on. The spray method can vary, but it must be done via spray vs putting on with an applicator or anything else. It's stupid easy to use!

01-10-2013, 05:42 PM
I used Permanon a good long while ago... and hated it.

Let me tell you what I did (everything according to directions I was given by a Permanon vendor and Permanon site):

1) Dawn wash to strip.
2) Rinsed off per directions
3) Applied Permanon (garden sprayer fine mist) to half of car.
4) Saw no difference in before and after beading where the coating was
5) Saw no difference in water beading in the side that was coated vs the side that had nothing but paint.

Maybe I need to do the test again, but I can tell you I was majorly PISSED to have spent a $100 on that junk.

01-10-2013, 05:46 PM
Whats the durability?

01-10-2013, 06:42 PM
I use it as a topper on my car coated with Opti-Guard for that slick feel. I find it actually accumulates more dust than bare OG though.