View Full Version : Blue Nissan Altima Waxing/Detailing Questions

01-04-2013, 01:56 PM
Hey, first post yay :D

So I hope to soon be getting a used 09 blue Nissan Altima coupe,
the car is in great shape but the exterior could use a little spit and
polish, I.E. I don’t think this guy has ever waxed, (or washed for that matter)
, his car, only 15,000 miles though.

More importantly the blue of the Nissan is a little light and while I
know color is usually the first to go I very much like it if through
use of colored wax I could get it looking like this > http://www.drivearabia.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/2010-Nissan-Altima-Coupe.jpg
a nice dark wet blue (Though some of that I realize is due to the
darkness of the picture itself)

I was thinking dark blue Turtle wax such as this Halfords | Turtle Wax Color Magic 'Plus' - Dark Blue 500ml (http://www.halfords.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/product_storeId_10001_catalogId_10151_productId_21 8993_langId_-1_categoryId_165527)
Followed by a second coat of long lasting clear coat wax that had
a good wet appearance.
Let me know what you guys think of this or alternative ideas.

Also I'm wondering what the best way is the repair scratches for
this car, three different kinds and I’d be thankful if you guys had
a solution for each type.

First there is a somewhat larger scratch of the front bumper about
4 inches long and about ¼” wide. The guy tried to cover up this
one but didn’t do it very well; so I’m wondering what best way to
cover up his cover up would be.

Second is a small hair line white scratch, about 3 inches long.

Third, small paint chip form someone dinging the passenger
side door.


01-04-2013, 02:05 PM
Welcome to the forum, there's a lot of articles written about what you describe. Unable to post all the links right now, someone else will hopefully help with your answers.

01-04-2013, 02:35 PM
Welcome to the forum, there's a lot of articles written about what you describe. Unable to post all the links right now, someone else will hopefully help with your answers.

Hmm ya I tried searching first but a I get two many posts due to the somewhat board terms.

01-04-2013, 03:16 PM
Search paint correction, wetsanding, RIDS, dr. colorchip to start.

Mike has some elongated videos posted about repairing small hairline scratches.

Have the right tools, right technique, and knowledge and you will get the results you seek.

The "how-to" section would be a great place to start.

Good luck.

01-04-2013, 03:57 PM
It probably needs a full correction. Get a da polisher, i have the same car and it wasnt hard to polish out at all. Mine is in black, so im sure yours wouldnt take as long to get finished with. Wax will only protect your finish and fill in a few swirls on the car but dont expect more than that. The only way you will have your car looking something like that in the picture is if you polish your car first or full correction. Then worry about which wax to put on in order to maintain that finish

01-04-2013, 11:44 PM
It probably needs a full correction. Get a da polisher, i have the same car and it wasnt hard to polish out at all. Mine is in black, so im sure yours wouldnt take as long to get finished with. Wax will only protect your finish and fill in a few swirls on the car but dont expect more than that. The only way you will have your car looking something like that in the picture is if you polish your car first or full correction. Then worry about which wax to put on in order to maintain that finish

Yes well that would certainly do it, though I'm wondering if it's overkill, I might have made the car's paint condition seem worse that it is. If and or when I get the car I'll clean it up and then upload some pics to give you guys a better idea of what I'm working with.

01-05-2013, 10:34 AM
Here are a few topics covered for scratches you described.

Hope this helps.

01-11-2013, 02:23 PM
Here are a few topics covered for scratches you described.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the links, cartman57

Well I Purchased the Nissan :D

This is as I got it

Luckily I was able to clean it up rather nicely, I still have yet to wax it.


^So in reference to this photo what would you recommend to best protect, last and enhance the color of this car.

Now the scrapes and dings :/


^ Here is the most major of issues a front bumper scrape. As you can see the previous
owner tried to cover it up but not very well. I’m hoping I can do better and so I am
asking what would be bested solution would be recommended for fixing a scrape like this.


^on the passenger side door there is a ding with a paint chip. First off I got to pull out
the ding and I'm wondering what, such as a dent dr. would be the best method of pulling
it out. Then of course what would be the best way to cover it up matching the cars blue
metallic flakish (there's probobly a name for this) finish.


^Finally there are the very thin line scratches on the car, had to take the photo in high
contrast monochrome for them to come out, but as an added result you can sort-of
make out that metal flake look that I was writing about.

Thanks for all current and future help