View Full Version : Issues with Plastidip Removal

01-03-2013, 06:08 AM
Hey everyone,

Hope someone can help me out with some plastidip removal tips. I actually have quite a lot of experience with it, but I've never had this bad of a removal. Normally I just peel it off and it comes off in sheets, but it looks like I have thin layers because when I pulled them off my wheels, I have spots of it all over the place.

Anticipating this before I peeled the plastidip off, I had my go to products ready: 3M adhesive remover and goo gone.

Neither seem to be working well in helping remove the plastidip though and it's taking me hours to remove the damn stuff. Unfortunately, I don't have a car jack, but I really wish I did right now.

Anyone got any tips they'd like to share with me? I could really use some help especially for the barrels of the wheels.


P.S. I know of the method of removal that is applying more plastidip and then removing it all in one swoop when it is a bigger layer, but that won't help because the overspray hits the barrels and it gets all over the place causing thin layers in the barrels... which then take forever to get off. So that's not a method I want to try again.

01-03-2013, 09:03 AM
I've heard that plastidip comes off if it gets caught on a microfiber. I saw a video a little while ago on youtube where the guy had a thin layer of plastidip that he didn't need and just rubbed a microfiber towel on it and it all came off. Perhaps if you've got one lying around that you wouldn't mind losing you can use that to remove whatever's left over?

01-03-2013, 09:38 AM
If a pressure-washer won't blast it off...

I've used mineral spirits and/or acetone to disintegrate it from tools and equipment.
(Make sure to have some good car wash shampoo/free-flowing water supply handy
if you decide to use these solvents.)

Good Luck Roshan



NOTE: Once the PlastiDip is removed from the inner barrels;
and, if the inner barrels are raw/unfinished aluminum;
then I suggest using Mother's Aluminum Polish for refinement;
followed by your sealant of choice for ease of maintenance.

01-03-2013, 10:01 AM
I've heard that plastidip comes off if it gets caught on a microfiber. I saw a video a little while ago on youtube where the guy had a thin layer of plastidip that he didn't need and just rubbed a microfiber towel on it and it all came off. Perhaps if you've got one lying around that you wouldn't mind losing you can use that to remove whatever's left over?

If a pressure-washer won't blast it off...

I've used mineral spirits and/or acetone to disintegrate it from tools and equipment.
(Make sure to have some good car wash shampoo/free-flowing water supply handy
if you decide to use these solvents.)

Good Luck Roshan



NOTE: Once the PlastiDip is removed from the inner barrels;
and, if the inner barrels are raw/unfinished aluminum;
then I suggest using Mother's Aluminum Polish for refinement;
followed by your sealant of choice for ease of maintenance.

Thanks, I will try both of these suggestions and see what happens, as well as trying a PW and update this thread :)

Hmm, I believe that the barrels are the same as the rest of the wheel which is painted aluminum, but then again paint is expensive and Chevy is cheap so maybe it is raw aluminum. At least it will give me a great chance to use my new meguiars dynacone tool :xyxthumbs:

01-03-2013, 11:34 AM
I do not have much experience with plasti-dip. I know that they make a thinner or remover at dipyourcar. That might be an avenue too if you are having difficulty

01-03-2013, 11:45 AM
I do not have much experience with plasti-dip. I know that they make a thinner or remover at dipyourcar. That might be an avenue too if you are having difficulty

I don't believe they have a remover, or maybe I wasn't able to find it.

I do know they have a thinner they put in the gallon of plastidip so that it applies easier, but that is for application not removal.

Do you have a link by any chance?

01-03-2013, 11:51 AM
I don't believe they have a remover, or maybe I wasn't able to find it.

I do know they have a thinner they put in the gallon of plastidip so that it applies easier, but that is for application not removal.

Do you have a link by any chance?

ahh that is what I was thinking of.

01-03-2013, 01:54 PM
Sorry bro I have used lost of times on wheels and just peels off. Can you post a picture so I can get a look at it.

01-03-2013, 02:28 PM
Sorry bro I have used lost of times on wheels and just peels off. Can you post a picture so I can get a look at it.

I've had the same experience, I'll post a picture if I don't get it figured out today or tomorrow, thanks :dblthumb2:

01-03-2013, 02:29 PM
ahh that is what I was thinking of.

That's what I thought, but I wasn't sure if they had come out with something new. Thanks for posting anyways though, always appreciate it :) :props:

01-03-2013, 03:20 PM
Need help getting rid of plastidip in hard to reach areas? (http://www.moddedmustangs.com/forums/general-car-care-detailing/287969-need-help-getting-rid-plastidip-hard-reach-areas.html)

01-03-2013, 07:04 PM
Alright guys got it fixed. Actually what worked was what I originally was using: adhesive remover.

The difference was I borrowed a jack and took the wheels off. Being able to get in all the crevices without difficulty and the wheel barrels made a huge difference to effectiveness of the adhesive remover. However, all in all it did take me over 3 hours for all 4 wheels, so what a PITA.

A pressure washer was helpful in removing stuff on the face of the wheel, but not in the wheel barrels... which is where the adhesive remover really shined.

The wheels look great now and are plastidip free, but sorry no pics because it's raining outside and really dark.

01-03-2013, 07:05 PM
Need help getting rid of plastidip in hard to reach areas? (http://www.moddedmustangs.com/forums/general-car-care-detailing/287969-need-help-getting-rid-plastidip-hard-reach-areas.html)

Thanks, adhesive remover was what I was originally using, but when the wheels were on the car, it wasn't much help.

Take the wheels off, though, and it was a whole different ballgame :props:

01-03-2013, 07:33 PM
Goof off works well against plasti dip