View Full Version : Ugh...EX-P compromised due to rain?

04-29-2007, 08:55 PM
So it was finally a beautiful weekend here in NJ. I gave my van a thorough cleaning (wash, light clay, etc.) for its first coat of EXP since my winter treatment:

Anyway, I got a full coat of EXP on and let it sit for an hour. Then, as I started to wipe off the first panel, I got hit with a 1-3 minute light sun-shower. It wasn't a downpour and my shirt was barely wet to give some idea of how bad it was.

Unforutnately, as I was wiping the EXP off, I was also wiping off all of the water beading.

Did the light mist of water compromise the adhesion of EXP?
Or did the fact that the EXP was allowed to set for an hour protect it?

Despite the water, there were some sections that required "vigorous" wiping so I guess that's a good sign.

04-29-2007, 09:53 PM
I find that EXP doesn't last long whatsoever in the first place, so it won't hurt to at least put another layer on it.