View Full Version : Solution Finish: Short Term Solution?

12-20-2012, 10:38 AM
I've been using Solution Finish on plastic running boards. While I really like the look of the product, I'm finding I need to re-apply it after every 2BM wash. At $30 an ounce, I was expecting something that lasted a little longer than a dressing.

The prep I use prior to applying it is to clean the car with a standard 2BM, then clean the area where the product is to be applied with APC. After that, I clean off any remaining APC with IPA and let it dry. I'm applying the product with a new square of grout sponge I've cut off a whole sponge.

Directions from SF's website:

For best results, apply to a clean, cool surface in the shade.
Wear gloves and eye protection.
Shake bottle well and apply a small amount to applicator pad or microfiber sponge.
Spread a thin coat over area in an even motion, covering area completely.
Allow solution to penetrate for 1-2 minutes.
Use a clean microfiber sponge or foam pad to buff off excess and wipe off glass and paint (will stain unsealed paint).
Admire the results!

One thing I noticed from their website is that the product has a shelf life. They say 3 years unopened, 1 year opened. I bought the stuff about 3 or 4 months ago when it was on BOGO - so I'm wondering if I may have received old stock. As the product looks great, but it seems to just wash right off after the next wash.

Has anyone had Solution Finish hold up to multiple washings?