View Full Version : redoing the stang...few questions

04-28-2007, 06:31 PM
Ok so last week I did the entire car w/ XMT 2 then 1, then WFG, then WFGPS. Did not get a chance to hit it with any wax due to I was uber exhausted, and work, work work lalalal

So onto today...

However after the car was in the shop today getting dyno'd and some more engine mods installed It's collected dust, oil etc...... overall shes dir-tay now! thanks to the manifold being removed etc..... and a bird took a poo on my car while testing out the performance increase on 441 at top speed... didn't know bird poo goes from white to orange at highspeeds in the hot sun... LMAO!!!

Anyhoo on topic here lol....

Tomorrow (Sunday) I was planning on redoing the car but not the whole thing all over again in XMT 2 then 1. I was gonna hit one panel that I missed with the XMT 2 & 1, then seal it....and wax the rest of the car, then let the WG sealer cure overnight and hit that panel the next day with wax. Does that make any sense? lol

I picked up a foam gun today, and the guzzler gonna start this project at 6am before the sun comes up and starts cooking everything. I need to still use a bucket even though I'm using a foam gun right? put just fresh water in the bucket?

04-28-2007, 06:58 PM
Hey hey,

With the foam gun, youre still going to need to rinse the mit out (grit guarded bucket).

I'm not sure about your plan of attack with the wax and sealant, it got kinda confusing. The process should be seal, let it cure, and then wax. If you wanted to, you can wax again after that last coat of wax.

Good luck!

04-28-2007, 07:02 PM
Hey hey,

With the foam gun, youre still going to need to rinse the mit out (grit guarded bucket).

I'm not sure about your plan of attack with the wax and sealant, it got kinda confusing. The process should be seal, let it cure, and then wax. If you wanted to, you can wax again after that last coat of wax.

Good luck!

So I should re-seal the whole car, then just wax it all in 1 shot?

04-28-2007, 07:27 PM
depending on what you have done on what panels, you may need to clean the paint really well.

Here, do this...

Polish the car with your XMT products, get all of the swirls etc out that you want. at that point, wash the car with your soap and some dawn. this combo will clean the paint and remove all of the old polishes, waxes, and sealants on the car. now, you will have a fresh canvas to begin your protection. Seal the car. Wait 12 hours, at least. Then, wax the car and dont let any water get on it for another 12-16 hours. the paint is now all protected and ready to go!

04-28-2007, 07:30 PM
Sounds like a plan! :) I'll report back tomorrow with before and afters woohoo!

04-29-2007, 08:55 AM
He's a police officer, better not be breaking those water restrictions in S Florida. Maybe we should sent Code Enforcement for a visit ???

Seriously though, with a foam gun you likely only need one bucket of water. Rinse your mitt after each panel, and dump/refill at 1/2 way point. Make sure to presoak the entire car with soap to allow most of the loose dirt/contaminents to flow off the finish.

04-29-2007, 11:33 AM
He's a police officer, better not be breaking those water restrictions in S Florida. Maybe we should sent Code Enforcement for a visit ???

Seriously though, with a foam gun you likely only need one bucket of water. Rinse your mitt after each panel, and dump/refill at 1/2 way point. Make sure to presoak the entire car with soap to allow most of the loose dirt/contaminents to flow off the finish.

You gotta be stealthy, 4am washin the car LMAO! excuse: my boston woke me up as always so I figured I'd wash the car.

Car is done, looks great; waiting for the sealer to cure, postin pics tomorrow after the wax job.

The foam gun rocks thumbs up!

04-29-2007, 01:56 PM
I want to see pictures of the the Mustang Q335 and the Stedda Q400 GT!

04-29-2007, 02:16 PM
Once shes done. Can't get any decent pictures in the garage. However I have posted pictures of the Q335 in my welcome thread.