View Full Version : Aarrrggghhhh, I hate trees!!

04-27-2007, 08:08 PM
Two days in a row this week I came out to my car after work to find some sort of little yellow leaf type things on my car. They are like a half inch long, and very narrow, with the sides curled like a cone. The problem is they have something very sticky on them. They were all glued to my paint, and both days I peeled them off before I left. Trouble is, the damage was done. I used some cleaner when I got home, and then used a clay bar on about six spots on the paint this afternoon after washing. All the sticky crap is gone, but now you can see a spot left in the finish that against the black paint almost looks like an oil slick. I sure hope it polishes out OK. I don't think I've ever had this stuff before, and I've been working there and parking in the same area for five years. How frustrating!

Oh, and on the subject of the clay barring, this GM black sucks!!! I had posted before about the Clay Magic blue clay marring the paint pretty bad. Well this time I broke out some ultra fine clay that I got a little while back and this stuff even left some slight marring.

04-27-2007, 08:17 PM
Sorry to here about that! I hate them thing, I believes them things you are talking about are from oak trees.

04-27-2007, 09:12 PM
I don't think it's from an oak. We have oaks in our yard at home, and I've never seen any before. I don't know what they are. I park about 20 yards from the nearest trees, and they are mostly pines. I think they might be from the apple trees along the property, but those are like 200 feet away, so they must blow quite a ways.

04-27-2007, 10:30 PM
Pine tree "flowers" (dont know the real name): the male part of the pine that releases pollen looks like this around here. They are usually on the end of a branch and when on the tree you can tap them and they release a TON of pollen. They can have sap and oils in them and maybe that is what you have on your paint? They do fall off at some point also.

Sounds like the GM paint is really really soft

good luck

04-28-2007, 06:38 AM
This paint is crazy. It seems to marr pretty easy, yet it's hard at the same time because I'm having a hard time getting rid of the scratches in the finish.

04-28-2007, 09:41 AM
Hey Grimm, I know what you mean about the trees...funny because at first I used to park all my vehicles under the shade now I park as far away as possible hahahaha.