View Full Version : Pink Bumper Question!

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04-27-2007, 10:58 AM
Feed back please Ok, that red Neon . . . can I use the pc on those faded plastic bumpers, or will that do more harm than good?
If so, do I use the same procedure as on the rest of the car, or do I have to treat them differently?
Also, I plan on using Vanilla Moose on the bumpers. Can I put wax over that?

ANY input here is appreciated!!
Thank you!
laurenFeed back please

04-27-2007, 11:07 AM
Hey Lauren,

I've used the rotary ont he bumper, gets a little hot but nothing to be worried about. So yes you can use the PC on the bumper and just feel the bumper to see how hot it's getting. I'm sure you don't damage it becuase the PC dosen't generate that much heat. Basically same procedure as the rest of the car.

As for the other questions sorry can't help you I never used the Vanilla Moose...

04-27-2007, 11:10 AM
After you have cleaned and brought back the original color of the bumpers you can use the vanilla moose but for dark colors such as red and black try using the red moose glaze it really makes the dark colors look really wet. You can and I do suggest a wax or sealant over the glaze.

04-27-2007, 11:54 AM
does the red moose have carnauba in it?

04-27-2007, 11:58 AM
does the red moose have carnauba in it?

No, it is strictly a glaze and will require a wax or sealant. But it is one of the best glazes I have ever used for dark colors. You won't be disappointed if you should try it.

Mike T
04-27-2007, 12:01 PM
I didn't think you could top RMG with a most sealants. Bonding issues.

04-27-2007, 12:14 PM
I don't have red moose. So that option is out because I think I may be doing the car this weekend; if not, then I will have time to get it.

joe D- bringing back the color? how? what are you referring to - I mean HOW!thanks!
Much appreciated!!

04-27-2007, 01:04 PM
Try the vanilla moose first to see how that works. If i remeber correctly from your pic it looked like oxidation. I've heard vanilla moose is a good oxidation remover. If that doesn't work then step up the agressiveness. Optimum poli-seal may work also. If my home computer was working I have pics of how well poli-seal works on oxidation. But it gave me the black screen of death yesterday. Anyway, top it with a wax as a sealant may have bonding issues with the glazes.

04-27-2007, 03:03 PM
Try the vanilla moose first to see how that works. If i remeber correctly from your pic it looked like oxidation. I've heard vanilla moose is a good oxidation remover. If that doesn't work then step up the agressiveness. Optimum poli-seal may work also. If my home computer was working I have pics of how well poli-seal works on oxidation. But it gave me the black screen of death yesterday. Anyway, top it with a wax as a sealant may have bonding issues with the glazes.

Thank you, Russecu!
Seems like not many answers to my questions here today...
Thank you for helping me!:grouphug:

04-27-2007, 03:45 PM
#101 or AIO, sound like it's oxidized.

04-27-2007, 03:50 PM
#101 or AIO, sound like it's oxidized.

Yo Sparks,
I know you adore #101, but I do not have any!
I DO have AIO.
VPL;) :grouphug:

04-27-2007, 06:18 PM
Yo Sparks,
I know you adore #101, but I do not have any!
I DO have AIO.
VPL;) :grouphug:
I for got to ask, you do still have clearcoat on the Paint?

04-27-2007, 11:41 PM
I for got to ask, you do still have clearcoat on the Paint?

Oh yah, but it doesn't look very thick at all. i will be careful. as far as the bumpers, i don't know. guess we shall see. his detail is on for sunday......unless he needs to change the date.

04-27-2007, 11:45 PM
AIO should work well, strong chemical cleaner when used with PC. Vanilla Moose is good as well.

04-27-2007, 11:47 PM
AIO should work well, strong chemical cleaner when used with PC. Vanilla Moose is good as well.

Thanks - that is a cool answer as I have those products.
Hey, where is my cookie?