View Full Version : Done with the ex, time for that innnn

12-04-2012, 10:34 AM
After i get some help with my other post, ill be completely finished detailing the outside and i would like to move on to my interior!! CHYESSS.. How do you detailers clean the top of the car ceiling fabric material the right way when its full of stains?? I tried to clean and scrubb a stain with otc stain remover, but when it dried, it only seemed to spread, turned into a cloud and got more noticeable. What products/technique tips can i learn to ensure i have spick and spaan interior?? Thank you!

12-04-2012, 12:19 PM
For headliners i use the same thing i use on carpets, Chemical Guys Fabric Clean 16 oz. (http://www.autogeek.net/chemical-guys-fabric-clean.html). I dilute it 7:1 and have never had an issue with it not being able to remove any stains. Just mist it on the affected area, let it dwell for a good 30-60 seconds and then scrub with a terry or MF towel or upholstery brush. Then get a MF towel and blot the area and voila no more stain.

12-04-2012, 04:29 PM
Greatly appreciated. Thanks