View Full Version : Interior old car smell

12-02-2012, 04:53 PM
Hi all. I have a '91 BMW with vinyl interior in good shape, but it has "that" old car smell. You know the one: not bad, like from smoking or anything. Just, well, old.

What would be some good products and/or methods to freshen it up? It's a daily driver, but I don't want to just mask it with the old pine tree hanging off the mirror.

I was going to start a good cleaning of carpet, seats, etc with Griot's interior cleaner or some other similar (?) - all the way through to whatever else might be needed after the initial cleaning. Or is it all in the cleaning?

12-02-2012, 09:48 PM
Update: between 303 Fabric/Vinyl cleaner, and Griot's Interior Cleaner: anyone with good or bad to report on either of these?

Am I being too optimistic to think that deep cleaning with one of these odorless products will help the old smell, without having to resort to a specific "odor-eating" product?

12-02-2012, 10:59 PM
I happen to love the old car smell. Its something you can't recreate and you can't buy it. That smell tells the story of the car - where it's been, who's owned it, I'd cherish that fantastic quality only age can provide.

But.... if you don't feel like I do, your only real permanent solution is an ozone generator. Everything else will only cover it up for a little while.

12-03-2012, 04:12 AM
Cg stripper spray