View Full Version : Spot-free rinse

12-01-2012, 01:41 PM
Hey i have a new 2012 chevy cruze and everytime i do a final rinse thats suppose to minimize water spotting, i still get tons of water spots. I dont want to invest in something godly expensive so what are my options? However i did purchase this thing on ebay called Revolutionizer:Spot-free rinse system. Still yet to try it out but if this doesnt work, what else could i do? Anybody??

12-01-2012, 01:53 PM
Rinse with distilled water.........then dry...:props:

12-01-2012, 01:56 PM
That actually works?

12-01-2012, 02:20 PM
That actually works?

Drying your car after rinsing works.

Rinsing your car with distilled water greatly reduces water spotting because it's missing the chemicals and minerals commonly found in regular tap water.

Water spots appear for several reasons..

Water droplets left on the finish
Droplets attract dust
Regular tap water contains chemicals and minerals. When the water evaporates those minerals are what's left.
If you have chlorine in your water small amounts of crystals can be left and chlorine is a corrosive.

12-01-2012, 02:31 PM
Okay cool. thanks for the tips. I got this inexpensive spot-free rinse system on ebay called the revolutionizer and i guess it has a long chamber with deionizing crystals in the tube/chamber and the water passes through it and the minerals and stuff gets broken down. Hope it works when i get it and try it. Its on its way. Im trying it tuesday or wednesday and i post something back on here when i do for the results

12-01-2012, 02:33 PM
You can also use a quick detail spray afterwards to hopefully get the spots off but that will depend on how long the spots have had time to try and etch into the paint

12-01-2012, 03:19 PM
Could always try ONR

12-01-2012, 03:34 PM
Spot free rinse usually gets domes spots just for the reason that some water spots are already there before the final rinse if working outside or in the sun. When working in the sun, its almost impossible to prevent water spotting entirely on the side of the vehicle that faces the sun, unless using DI water for the entire wash process, which could be very expensive.

I notice this even though I have a RO DI filter that I use for the final rinse. I notice that whatever side of the vehicle is parked facing the sun has more water spots, especially when its the back window on an SUV. If the DI rinse water was the cause, the spotting would be equal all over the vehicle. The best techniques I have found is to keep the vehicle as wet as possible (which wastes a ton of water) and remove the water spots ASAP when done.

12-01-2012, 03:41 PM
Hey i have a new 2012 chevy cruze and everytime i do a final rinse thats suppose to minimize water spotting, i still get tons of water spots. I dont want to invest in something godly expensive so what are my options? However i did purchase this thing on ebay called Revolutionizer:Spot-free rinse system. Still yet to try it out but if this doesnt work, what else could i do? Anybody??

I got a cr spotless machine and its the best I just rinse with the water that goes through the machine and let it dry, no spots. But what Bobby said about the dust particles getting trapped in the water droplets is true. I usually rinse and pull the car in garage to dry. Depending on how windy it is of course. I see you finally made your first thread.

12-02-2012, 02:01 AM
Well thanks everyone so far for the advice and tips. Ill keep this all in mind. Im kinda anxious to see how this system i bouught on ebay for 50.00 works. In case nobody else knows what im talking about, its called the Revolutionizer:Spot-free Rinse system for auto and house

Audi Rick
12-02-2012, 07:38 AM
I use ONR with water from my RODI filter. I have the filter plumbed into a 30 gallon Rubbermaid Brute trash can. I used this for make up water on my salt water reef tank that I used to have.I have a float switch that shuts the filter off when the container is full. I always have water ready to go when I do a wash.

ONR a panel at a time while drying with OID makes for a spot free finish.:xyxthumbs: