View Full Version : Polishing Glass w/ CeriGlass

11-29-2012, 09:35 PM
Today I placed my 1st order w/ CarPro and ordered 2 bottles of CeriGlass and several of their glass polishing pads. I've tried this before w/ LC glass pads & a PC and was not too happy with the results. I'm trying to remove wiper scratches that appear light. This time I plan on using more aggressive 3" pads on a GG6. If that doesn't do it, I'll have to get an inexpensive rotary. Has anyone been able to successfully polish glass? If so what was your process? Did the glass finish clear without any hazing?

11-29-2012, 09:45 PM
Using this as a guide, I removed 90% of the wiper marks on the rear. Takes a while, did small areas so the product didn't dry up so fast.

11-29-2012, 10:20 PM
Using this as a guide, I removed 90% of the wiper marks on the rear. Takes a while, did small areas so the product didn't dry up so fast.

Did your glass finish clear or with some micro scratching? What machine & pads did you use? Thanks.

11-29-2012, 11:28 PM
When I first tried Ceriglass, I used Griot's Garage 6" glass polishing pads with a rotary polisher. All wiper marks, light scratches, and road film disappeared.

11-30-2012, 02:36 AM
If there is an out of the way area of glass (like a lower rear window where a disaster won't be as noticeable) you might want to experiment there before doing a big area of your windshield.

I went one step further. I practiced on an old windshield I dug out of the trash at an auto glass repair shop. Probably saved me a lot of grief considering that first attempt screwed up the glass. I was using a Lake Country super aggressive 3" pad and it turned the clear glass to milk and I could not get those scratches out.

11-30-2012, 06:11 AM
I polished out water spots on my home windows and spots & oxidation on my bathroom shower stall doors; using my GG 3" polisher and my Flex 3401.

My home windows for the most part worked fine with the GG 3" , GG glass polishing pads and Mother's Water Spot Remover. I removed 100% of the spots on the light-medium contaminated windows. My bay window was a different story. Those 4 panes were heavily contaminated with the above approach only getting me about a 70% correction. I moved up to a GG 3" polishing pad and Menzerna SIP (IS1500); yielding me a 98% correction. You can find some water spots but you need to really get close to the windows and look for them.

The shower doors were in terrible condition. The GG approaches were working as the glass polishing pads were soiling, but way too fast. I upgraded to my Flex 3401, a HD Tangerine pad and some IS1500; worked perfectly. I polished the metal frames with Collinite 850

All windows were finished with a cleaner/wax or OCW. The shower stall doors were finished with an auto stripper product that forces water sheeting moreso than beading.

Clean and shiny are the words I would use to describe the level of success I achieved. I even went a bit father with the bathroom stall (fiberglass) with a Flex and White CCS pad, in addition to the bathroom wall tiles. Wifey was amazed and happy! I took before/after photos so if anyone is interested I can post them.

11-30-2012, 08:29 AM
If there is an out of the way area of glass (like a lower rear window where a disaster won't be as noticeable) you might want to experiment there before doing a big area of your windshield.

I went one step further. I practiced on an old windshield I dug out of the trash at an auto glass repair shop. Probably saved me a lot of grief considering that first attempt screwed up the glass. I was using a Lake Country super aggressive 3" pad and it turned the clear glass to milk and I could not get those scratches out.

Thanks. I will be trying different things on flat pieces of table glass I have laying around. I have done this before, but the CeriGlass finished with some hazing. I think my problem was I may have let it dry some times. Also, I didn't really like the LC glass pads. Hopefully the CarPro ones are better.

11-30-2012, 08:44 AM
Did your glass finish clear or with some micro scratching? What machine & pads did you use? Thanks.

It did finish clear, started with orange pad that came with the kit then used GG 3" pads with a PC. The slurry mix does sling around, tape it off well. There was a deep scratch that I could feel and didn't come out.
Try a small area first out of vision of course.