View Full Version : finding part time jobs..

11-24-2012, 05:55 PM
Hey guys, I've got a question and looking for some input. I am going to school part time and soon to be full time next semester. I already have my associates degree and and going back for a bachelors. I am a little late to the game. Going back to school at 23, fun fun. Anyways, I do not want to start my career at 27-28. I want to work while I am in school. However, I do not want to work retail, I want practical experience that is degree related. I have my A.S in Electronics and Computer Technology. Since very little of my credits transfer, I am effectively starting over. I am looking into EE right now but may change. What I want to do is try and find a job in the EE field so I can get practical experience and see if it is really something I want to do while I work on getting my GE classes finished. That way I am not in for a surprise after graduation.

I want to find a part time job in the engineering/IT/electrical field that is very part time. I am thinking along the lines of friday, saturday, sunday only. So far I have had little luck looking on job sites with these specific hours.

Only thing I can think of trying is to go over to these places directly and asking at the front desk if there is someone I could speak to and tell them my situation and see if they can give me a job around my requirements. Kind of cold calling for jobs, except going in person.

Any thoughts?