View Full Version : 3M Clear Bra - Questionable Install

11-18-2012, 08:47 PM
The wife got a new Mazda this week, and after we took it home and polished the areas that were to be covered with the clear bra, we took it back to the dealer to get the work done. When we went back to pick up the vehicle, she pointed out one of the spots to the salesman (the person who met us to pick up the car), and he said that with some heat, they would work themselves out, and if they didn't, they would "make it right". She's worried that of course the salesman would say that they would fix it, but it's the service department that actually does the work.

Has anyone ran into the following issues, and is there a chance they will work themselves out? It's getting too cold for us to want to push this out much longer because we aren't going to see any heat until probably June. The entire vehicle has been polished and Opti-coated except the questionable clear bra areas that either need to be deemed acceptable or fixed.

Driver Mirror - this part looks stretched and bubbled
Passenger Mirror - also looked stretched and bubbled (looks like a bug splatter)
Hood - same as above, plus the clear bra is very scratched (any experience with polishing this?)
Driver Side Front Fender - debris under the clear bra

Driver Mirror

Passenger Mirror


Driver Side Front Fender

11-19-2012, 07:48 AM
bump for visiting dealership this afternoon

11-19-2012, 08:05 AM
Take it right back and have them do it over and until it's right you'll have to stay on them like a tick.....:bat:

Billy Baldone
11-19-2012, 09:26 AM
Why did you polish the areas that were to be covered? They need that part stripped of any waxes to adhere to your body panels. I don't think it's that bad. It's there to protect the paint, and it will do its job just fine. It looks better than most cars I've seen actually.

bullitt 736
11-19-2012, 09:51 AM
^^^^ he polished so it would have a clean surface to adhere to. He did not say he waxed or sealed it. I wouldn't accept that quality of work

11-19-2012, 09:54 AM
Why did you polish the areas that were to be covered? They need that part stripped of any waxes to adhere to your body panels. I don't think it's that bad. It's there to protect the paint, and it will do its job just fine. It looks better than most cars I've seen actually.

Because there were scratches/swirls in those areas and the clear bra may hide the swirls directly below the bra but it doesn't hide the swirls next to it. I didn't want to compound/polish right next to the edge of the clear bra when I could do it before hand. Of course it was in vain because the paint immediately next to the clear bra has swirls again from the installation.

And what does polish have to do with wax interfering with the application? Polish is one of many ways to remove waxes/sealants.

11-19-2012, 11:04 AM
And what does polish have to do with wax interfering with the application? Polish is one of many ways to remove waxes/sealants.

Polishes leave behind oils which is why some use an IPA wipe down after paint correction to see the true results of their paint. I'm sure the dealer used something to chemically strip the paint first as that is the usual process for these installations but I'm not sure. How long were those photos taken after you got the bra installed? The one on the hood looks like moisture is still there and will work itself out when it dries.

11-19-2012, 11:22 AM
Polishes leave behind oils which is why some use an IPA wipe down after paint correction to see the true results of their paint. I'm sure the dealer used something to chemically strip the paint first as that is the usual process for these installations but I'm not sure. How long were those photos taken after you got the bra installed? The one on the hood looks like moisture is still there and will work itself out when it dries.

I also assume they wiped it down prior to installation which is fine as they have to warranty the product. I also wiped the paint down twice with pre-wax cleaner after polishing it and prior to taking the vehicle in because I didn't want any complaints about it feeling slipperly, oily, waxed... :buffing:

The bra is only 24-30 hours old in that picture.