View Full Version : If I liked BF Long Lasting Tire Gel, What’s Next?

11-14-2012, 08:31 AM
Which tire dressing is a popular topic here and I have done some reading on the topic. I would like to narrow the question down a little. I have been using Meg’s All Season Dressing from a spray bottle. It may be quick and easy to apply but it has little to no lasting properties for me on my fleet.
I was given a bottle of Blackfire Long Lasting Tire Gel as a free gift not long ago from AGO purchase. I really like the Blackfire results. It’s a clear thick syrup type product that I apply with a foam pad. The results are amazing as it lasts a week or more depending on the weather conditions on my daily driver, beads water and does not sling. I have tried some on my other rubber trim and it looks great there too.
Since I can’t find any more of the Long Lasting Tire Gel I would like to know what to try in its place that will do as well. Would I get the same or better results with the Blackfire Total Eclipse? The Total Eclipse looks like a different type consistency product. What’s your replacement recommendation? Thanks Jack

11-14-2012, 09:10 AM
BF is as good as it get, but you might want to try Ultima. Ultima is low gloss though.

Weird, because I use Meguiar's Endurance High Gloss tire gel and I can get 1 week of wet gloss, then gradually fade to a new tire deep black low gloss look for another 1-2 weeks, depend on whether I have driven in rain.

I found that use a foam to apply 2 thin layers work best if you want a even and long lasting tire shine.

11-14-2012, 09:55 AM
4 Star Tire Gel is very similar to the old Blackfire Tire Gel. It has the same maple syrup consistency as the blackfire and looks the same. I find the new total eclipse to not give the look as the original. Less glossy.

11-14-2012, 09:57 AM
Four Star Ultimate Tire Protectant Gel Boosted with Polycharger! (http://www.autogeek.net/four-star-ultimate-tire-protectant-gel.html)

Klasse Act
11-14-2012, 10:48 AM
I've been using BF total eclipse for some time now and like the true, matte finish it gives off, think of it as a step or two above what a new tire looks like, if that helps. When I first started using it I applied 2 coats over two days and once it rains, after ONR-ing the car, I would wipe the tire down with a seperated towel and it would look like a brand new tire, so I like how it holds up.

I know its not one of your choices here but the DG #265, spray on product, really, really holds up well. It sprays on glossy but doesn't sling and dries quickly but leaves the tire looking wet. Over the next couple days a simple wipe with your applicator will tone things down a bit and when driving in the rain, a simple wipe with my seperate towel with ONR nets a nice finish.

11-14-2012, 10:50 AM
Which tire dressing is a popular topic here and I have done some reading on the topic. I would like to narrow the question down a little. I have been using Meg’s All Season Dressing from a spray bottle. It may be quick and easy to apply but it has little to no lasting properties for me on my fleet.
I was given a bottle of Blackfire Long Lasting Tire Gel as a free gift not long ago from AGO purchase. I really like the Blackfire results. It’s a clear thick syrup type product that I apply with a foam pad. The results are amazing as it lasts a week or more depending on the weather conditions on my daily driver, beads water and does not sling. I have tried some on my other rubber trim and it looks great there too.
Since I can’t find any more of the Long Lasting Tire Gel I would like to know what to try in its place that will do as well. Would I get the same or better results with the Blackfire Total Eclipse? The Total Eclipse looks like a different type consistency product. What’s your replacement recommendation? Thanks Jack

Do they not sell the bf long lasting tire gel anymore? Did they ever? I don't ever remeber seeing a product named that?

Vegas Transplant
11-14-2012, 10:54 AM
Some time in the near future you should opt for a sample of OTS to try out.
I was a big fan of the Megs all season before switching to AM Cool Blue.
Now it's OTS, OOB all the way.

Audi X2
11-14-2012, 10:59 AM
Griots has a product they call Long lasting Tire Gel.

11-14-2012, 11:18 AM
Carpro PERL diluted 1:1 is what I use now. It has awesome durability, and I can coat the entire tire with barely using any because of it's watery consistency. After diluting it, you get a lot of product for the price.

11-14-2012, 12:20 PM
I use Megs Endurance Tire Gel, lasts forever, and you can apply as needed to achieve the look you want. If applied right, no sling either! But yeah it's my favorite tire gel I have tried!

11-14-2012, 02:02 PM
Carpro PERL for me too, really glossy! And like another guy said, it's really glossy for 1 week, and then a more matte dressed finish for the next two weeks.

I also use it a 1:1 and I can do all four of my tires with less than two ounces of diluted product (1 ounce of PERL).

11-14-2012, 02:18 PM
I like the BF Eclipse Tire Gel. Gives a good dark shine, but not that cheap used car dealer freshly over amorall'ed tires.