View Full Version : This is a great place for info!

11-06-2012, 04:46 PM
I've been a member here for only a few short months and I really do appreciate the feedback I've gotten from the many members. My tiny little pea brain has managed to soak up and hold on to those many bits of information and it has boosted the "Inner Detailer" that was in me.

However, as much as it pains me to say this, there are several inescapable facts that I think need to be mentioned. A good portion of the members here live in an area where we do not have access to either a water hose or an exterior electrical outlet, such as a condo or apartment. And a good many of us have a VERY limited budget. Any single item that's priced $30 or above is simply beyond my financial means. Sad to say that I meet both of the above criteria.

It's exasperating when I post a thread, and some of the replies I receive are: "Why don't you get the Acme Such-and-such. It only costs mega $$$" Or: "You need a foam gun to attach to your hose".

I know that all of you are simply trying to help out a person who has detailing related questions, and I GREATLY appreciate the help I've received. But PLEASE try to keep in perspective that not all of us own homes, have access to water hoses or outside power outlets. And not all of us can afford many of the things suggested here.

I would like to get a DA polisher. I would like to get a foam gun. I would like to get more MF's. I would like to get, and try out for myself, many of the waxes and sealants that are out there. There are so many things that I want for my "baby", but my lack of a big budget, and the area where I live, limits me to what I can actually purchase.

This may offend some of the members here, and I sincerely apologize for that. I just don't relish offending anyone, least of all people who have tried their very best to give honest answers to my sometimes dumb questions.


Mahalos for letting me rant. Hope I don't get banned by the other members of this great forum.

Mike Phillips
11-06-2012, 05:15 PM
Nice post and I completely understand where you're coming from... :xyxthumbs:

Sometime, you might see me post something like this...

Always use the highest quality products you can obtain

I purposefully use the word obtain instead of afford as I'm sensitive to the fact that not everyone has a large budge for their hobby or even profession.

I also practice helping people use the products they already own. If someone joins the forum asking for help using Brand X, and for example we don't carry Brand X on the Autogeek.net store, myself and others do our best to provide information to get the best use of the products and tools the forum member already owns.

It's all about win/win business and thinking about the golden rule.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts, we strive hard to maintain a family friendly forum where people from all backgrounds, cultures and levels of experience feel comfortable posting or "talking" on our forum.
