View Full Version : Optimum Opti-seal vs. Zaino Clear Seal

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04-21-2007, 07:51 PM
Well water restrictions are calmed at 5pm-7pm on Saturday for my area, and I was up for detailing both cars. Lately we have been using the SRX daily and the Vette sits in the garage and used once a week when mommy and Chris has Gym and other items and need truck.

I decided to do the SRX first, and the idea was to do a basic wash/dry and then move to the new Opti-seal (OS). **Now let me warn, I dont know if I have the final version of OS as mine was in a half used bottle with a label and pencil sent from Meghan on Friday morning. It leads me to believe it was a beta sample #2. ** I washed the truck with Duragloss wash, and dried with the leaf blower/Guzzler combo and a light spritz of Spray/Rinse every panel to remove any spots. I then moved onto the OS.

First of all it is easy to track where you have been since it looks incredibly wet on any area where gone. (think: acrylic floor wax) It took about 10 minutes total. Immediately upon finishing there were some very pronounced streaking and I immediately rewiped all allowed to dry for about 30 minutes. Some slickness was noted, and some streaking was still very prevalent. I was disappointed so I moved onto the Vette. I am sure I used about a 1/4 ounce maximum for entire truck and was outside direct sunlight and heat.

The Vette is currently still sitting with a coat of Polycharged UPP on it, and I decided to hit it with Zaino wash. I then proceeded to dry with leafblower/guzzler combo and used a light spritz of Z8 to avoid spots. I then decided to try the Zaino Clear Seal (CS) on the Vette. Immediately the holograming appeared and pad flowed/moved much easier showing more slickness immediately than OS. When car was done 7 minutes later it looked like one big hologram and areas where starting to disappear. Fifteen minutes later there were two areas on the rear flanks that needed a quick second wipe. (presuming too much used) again, at a max 1/4 ounce was used.

I then went back over to the SRX and had to wipe down at least 1/2 the truck to remove the left over streaking. Some additional slickness was now present, and quick wipe with damp towel removed final streaks with ease. My wife even commented on how present the markings were. Clearly not as bad as having to buff the entire truck, but still an extra step was needed.

So it is with a heavy heart that I gotta give Zaino the first round. While I need to assess each on same color cars, and also get a final release version of OS to make sure same product, it was the streaking that had me upset the most. Otherwise while both applied the same, looked different while being applied, were very similar as end result in looks and gloss. My eyes may decieve me but I would give the CS a nod in reflection (could be a black car) and OS a slight nod in gloss. Slickness appears dead even after dried. Durability is obviously unknown. OS seems a tad thicker but has a better sprayer and seems to use less product. Pricing and size are compelling, and both go to OS in that arena. No knockout ... but a big ticket fight needs to end in a clear winner.

OS Streaking -- Look Closely at the Lines below reflection of tree

CS -- Holograms, notice how center is disappearing quickly


04-21-2007, 09:04 PM
I was looking forward to this! Thanks killr, and looking for the update on which version you actually had of OS and if this has been fixed with the final version.

04-21-2007, 09:22 PM
I want to try eather one lol

04-21-2007, 09:26 PM
The Fighters

Before Opti-Seal

After Opti-Seal and 1/4 hour drying time.

I dont see much of a difference, although I swear OS muted the reflection from first shot. And tried to get a very similar pic. I noted tonight while out, that there are still some missed streaking on Opti-seal'd SRX and the gloss and slickness seem to have increased. The CS'd Vette had one minor halo on the hood in nights light also.

04-22-2007, 08:39 AM
Went out this morning, some streaking on OS / SRX is still prevalent. Rewiped with damp towel and its gone. Slickness and gloss seem more prevalent this morning, but very miffed at outcome of OS.

Vette meanwhile looks like glass ...

04-22-2007, 08:47 AM
Went out this morning, some streaking on OS / SRX is still prevalent. Rewiped with damp towel and its gone. Slickness and gloss seem more prevalent this morning, but very miffed at outcome of OS.

Vette meanwhile looks like glass ...

Not to get off-track here, but I guess I am...........I see that you have CG WMF on your shelf. What do you think of it?

04-22-2007, 08:52 AM
Not to get off-track here, but I guess I am...........I see that you have CG WMF on your shelf. What do you think of it?



MY 2 CENTS.......:D ...

04-22-2007, 08:57 AM
Thanks, BILL!! :)

04-22-2007, 09:58 AM
back to topic :

Ok, I have literally re-read about every post on every detailing board about Opti-seal from those who actually used it. Some idea's come to mind:

1. Was the product I got a different version versus final release ??
2. Using a cloth applicator versus foam sponge making a difference ??
3. Used to much, strange since use same ZCS meaning less finicky ??
4. Was bottle used something prior, and residue remained ??
5. Was something in Poorboys Spray/Wipe counterreacting with OS ??

I am boggled, as I truly wanted this to work and work well. Now even a quick qd'er wipe down is faster than buffing an entire car, but not what the product was designed to do .... wheres Anthony when we need him most ??

04-22-2007, 01:04 PM
I have found that the foam applicator to work best. It must be clean and dry. No water present in it at all. I wash mine out with dish soap and air dry over night.
Zaino uses the cotton applicator wich I felt didn't give even coverage like the foam.

I have CS and feel like nothing is on the paint after it is dry. Now that you have said that
you used a 1/4 of an oz. of the product this might be the reason.
For the OS I have a black lexus in my shop that has 3 applications of the product and I dont think I have even used a 1/4 oz of it yet. This bottle is the production one sent to the public. I need to deliver this car in the morning and am trying to take pictures of it outside but the weather here is less then ideal. Cloudy all day yeasterday and now it's a light rain today. I was hoping for some good sun shots.

I would love to see more reviews from other users as my opinion would seam biased by the other corner.

04-22-2007, 01:25 PM
I have used Opti-Seal now on both of my cars. I have put two coats of Opti-Seal on my 2007 Honda Accord, Nighthawk Black. At no point did Opti-Seal streak during application.

I made sure to read the application instructions and applied very little to the foam pad and went from there. It gave me a streak free shine like you would not believe. At this point, I have no plans for any LSP other than Opti-Seal, it really is that wet looking.

I would definitely suggest to the OP that they get a retail version of the product in case there is any difference, and to make sure that you use very little, as it goes a long way.

I am curious of the original poster though. Taking away the streaking that the Opti-Seal left you with, which look did you prefer, the Opti-Seal or the Clear-Seal?

04-22-2007, 01:27 PM
I too am certain I used less than 1/4 ounce per car. No way to distinquish as bottles have no markings. I used maybe a spritz to two per panel if averaged by the entire car, same for the CS. CS dried without issue, unfortunately the OS streaked. I dunno ...

looks are to close to tell, but on different colors, so would need to test more before making a firm statement.

04-22-2007, 01:36 PM
I noticed that you applied the OS in direct sun. Was this the same for CS?

04-22-2007, 01:41 PM
I noticed that you applied the OS in direct sun. Was this the same for CS?

Both were applied in same driveway between 530-600pm , while Florida is sunny it was not direct sunlight nor was it extremely hot nor humid.

Again, you can see my many posts and details, I understand the process well. I not going to lie however for a product that didnt do what it was suppose to do. I seriously doubt it to be user error, and not a particular fan of Zaino, so I am hoping the product was truly NOT the final offering. The only other explanation would be product incompatibility with the Poorboys Qd'er which seems far fetched.

If you look at picture of bottle, there is some code, which again is my saving grace. Hopefully it was the beta, and just got to me late.

04-22-2007, 01:47 PM
Thank's for clearing that up. BTW Im not looking for lies.