View Full Version : Is Wolfgang Deep Gloss Sealant supposed to not to be smooth to the touch?

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10-25-2012, 05:57 PM
Hi all,

Yesterday I applied Wolfgang Deep Gloss Sealant after washing, claying, and applying Pinnacle Paintwork Cleansing Lotion. The Pinnacle was applied by machine and the WDGS was applied by hand with a yellow foam applicator.

This afternoon when I got in my car I rubbed my hand on the hood and found that it felt like there were tons of small bumps like I haven't clayed the car in ten years. When running a micro fiber cloth over the car you can actually here it come in contact with the bumps and even tiny pieces of lint are caught.It didn't have that feel right after applying the sealant.

It has been a little over 24 hours since it was applied. I ensured to let it sit on the car for 45 minutes before buffing it off and I tried to apply as thing of a coat as possible. In addition, the car was stored in a garage overnight to avoid any moisture affecting the sealant. This afternoon's temp was about 83 and my car is a brown bronze color.

It looks beautiful, but is this normal? Did I make a mistake by applying the WDGS on top of the Cleansing Lotion?

Thanks for any help.


10-25-2012, 06:04 PM
Was it the 3.0 Or the Depp Gloss Liquid Seal?

10-25-2012, 06:08 PM
thats very strange
i have used once the WGDG the sample and after it dries i wiped it it felt very smooth
then the other day i washed the car and the beading was incredible and the smoothness was still there

u have to make sure that when u wipe the car u park it in a garage to make sure (perfect curing)

10-25-2012, 06:11 PM
i've used wgdgps over the pinnacle lotion with no issue, did you make sure to buff off the pinnacle before hand? also, have you tried qd'ing or washing the area, perhaps you picked up some road grime when you drove it...

10-25-2012, 06:26 PM
i've used wgdgps over the pinnacle lotion with no issue, did you make sure to buff off the pinnacle before hand? also, have you tried qd'ing or washing the area, perhaps you picked up some road grime when you drove it...

Yep, I applied the Pinnacle in small sections and buffed it off as I went along. The entire car was clean of the Pinnacle before I applied the WGDGS. I plan on washing the car tomorrow. It's like it is growing pimples. What wasn't there last night is more intense tonight.

I sure hope I didn't screw up.

10-25-2012, 06:28 PM
You did buff off the paint cleanser, correct?

10-25-2012, 06:29 PM
thats very strange
i have used once the WGDG the sample and after it dries i wiped it it felt very smooth
then the other day i washed the car and the beading was incredible and the smoothness was still there

u have to make sure that when u wipe the car u park it in a garage to make sure (perfect curing)

Yep, the car was in the garage as I applied everything except for washing. It was then stored overnight in the garage and it didn't leave the garage until 8:00a this morning. It was a good 12 hours since the application. Temperature only dipped down into the 70s in the garage.

10-25-2012, 06:30 PM
You did buff off the paint cleanser, correct?

Yes - I applied small sections using the machine, stop the machine and then wiped off what I had applied. It took quite a while to apply the cleanser in this fashion.

10-25-2012, 06:33 PM
Was it the 3.0 Or the Depp Gloss Liquid Seal?

It was the 3.0

10-25-2012, 06:36 PM
I would re clay a section and then re apply the sealant.

10-25-2012, 06:58 PM
I would re clay a section and then re apply the sealant.

Yeah, I just ran a quick test and re claying removed the bumps. My concern is re-applying the sealant is going to cause the issue again. The entire car is affected.


Chris's FX4
10-25-2012, 07:55 PM
Did you do the baggie test just to be sure the paint is smooth?

How old is the bottle of WGDGPS?

10-25-2012, 08:01 PM
Yeah, I just ran a quick test and re claying removed the bumps. My concern is re-applying the sealant is going to cause the issue again. The entire car is affected.


You said you haven't clayed your paint in 10 years. So my guess was that all contaminants were not removed.

10-25-2012, 08:04 PM
Did you do the baggie test just to be sure the paint is smooth?

How old is the bottle of WGDGPS?

Do you mean after the initial claying? I forgot about that, it was smooth to my bare hand. It is really weird as yu can hear the bumps when you run the microfiber over the area. It's all over the car but it seems like the hood is more prevalent. I wonder if I put too much on. How much are you supposed to put on?

The bottle is from my order that I placed back in September. This is my first big reall car detailing that I have done. In the past, I have simply done the old wash and wax. I am a bit frustrated.

I did a small section by reclaying it and reapplying the sealant to see if the issue comes back. I should know by tomorrow afternoon compared to what happened before.



10-25-2012, 09:02 PM
You said you haven't clayed your paint in 10 years. So my guess was that all contaminants were not removed.

Oh no, it feels like I haven't clayed it in ten years. The car is only nine months old. This is really strange.