View Full Version : With my sons

10-24-2012, 09:47 AM

Not much of a Show 'n' Shine, but more of a fun day spent with my 2 sons ages 24 and 26. My oldest wanted to come over and wash his car on Sunday, Oct 21. Hadn't washed the Ford Focus since he bought it, used. My youngest, who lives me my wife and I, decided he wanted to clean up his Hyundai Accent too. I brought out my Autogeek goodies to show them the proper way, with the right "tools".
Showed my youngest how to waterless wash his silver Hyundai, and then left him to it. Did the same thing with my oldest and let him wash his car while I clayed it and showed him why I was doing it. Then it was on to claying (if that's a word) the Hyundai.
Brought out my trusty PC7424 (not XP) and showed my sons how to polish the Focus. Used an ORANGE LC Pad and MENZERNA SIP. We tag-teamed the car and when we took a break, I checked out the Hyundai. It was in pretty good shape. So I used the WHITE LC Pad and MEGUIARS CLEANER WAX. Showed my youngest what to do and let him take over while I took a break. His car was looking good. Then he used STONERS Invisible Glass and a Waffle Weave for the glass and Easy Touch Tire Foam. He was pleased, and I was proud.
After we finished polishing the Focus, it was time for the GREY LC Pad and COLLINITE 845 for the final touch. Showed him how to spread it on nice and thin, then we waited till it hazed over. Cleaned his windows with STONER's as well and he decided to try DURAGLOSS DETAILING SPRAY for the tires. I used Collinite 845 for the wheels as well. We each grabbed a MF towel and buffed off the wax. All the boys could say was, WHOA! The Black car was now even Blacker! If you know what I mean. It had a slightly grey tone to it (oxidation) before polishing. He snapped the photo with his phone.
They enjoyed themselves and I enjoyed spending those 4 hours with them, talking, laughing, working and showing them how to take care of their rides. No BEFORE pictures were taken because I wasn't planning to put any of this on AG. But when my son took a picture of his Focus (he never takes pictures of his car), I had to share the fun I had with my sons. Even though they're in their 20's, all I could see when I looked at them working on their cars, were 2 little boys and their dad having fun and quality time together. Hope you know what I mean. It was a special time and day for me. And that is what I remember when I look at the picture of that Focus.
Thanks for reading.

10-24-2012, 09:55 AM
Awesome story!
The focus is a great car, I've had 3 of the SVT models and currently have an ST on order!
Here are some pictures from my last SVT:






10-24-2012, 11:43 AM
This is a great thread and times like these are absolutely priceless!! :props:

10-24-2012, 11:50 AM
Even though they're in their 20's, all I could see when I looked at them working on their cars, were 2 little boys and their dad having fun and quality time together. Hope you know what I mean.

Being that I currently have just one child, and he's not quite two years old, I think I know exactly what you mean. He's my wife's and my world, and when I look at him and think about how innocent he is at this age, I realize that as we grow older, I'll still see him as the sweet, innocent, little boy that he is now. My wife and I often wonder if anyone could possibly love their kid(s) as much as we love our son, and after reading this thread, it sounds like that answer is 'yes.' :)

10-24-2012, 12:03 PM
Thank you very much for sharing! :dblthumb2:
I have a son (10) and a daughter (7) and I totally relate with your story.
Detail wise however things are like this: they (wife included) trash, I clean...

10-24-2012, 01:14 PM
Nuthin like spending a day in the sun working on cars with your kids!!

10-24-2012, 04:34 PM
Looks great, im not a manual guy as im new to driving and I will be getting a 04 a6 with 6 speed auto, but I have heard great things about the preformance of the new svts