View Full Version : Busted a gut over this....

10-18-2012, 06:01 PM
I'm working on a project and there is some Facia that has to cleaned and prepped for tough up paint.

the Boss told me that the Archietct has a specific procedure that we have to follow....

"ok no problem shoot me an e-mail and let me know what I need to get".

So I get the e-mail......"Wash the the facia using DAWN dish soap with a car wash type of soft brislte brush,rinse well,then use touch up paint allow to dry"

"Then rewash using a wash and wax type product like Turttle Wax".

After I fell on the floor laughing.......I e-mailed the boss and told him I WASN"T using Turttle wax,PERIOD!

He returned my e-mail saying " you know of something better?"

I sent him a link to AG....and to DG932 and told him we'll need 3 gallons,and if theres any left it"s MINE!

He then sent me another e-mail...."Holy crap this stuff is 40 bucks a gallon"

My response was "so what, you get what you pay for.....top shelf stuff.....and you better order it today because I need it next week and thats what I'm going to use."

His last resonse was "10-4 I'm ordering now"

This was the Highlight of my day.......been laughing bout it all aftenoon....and while typing this.

Turttle Wax? not on my Job!

Just wanted to share and hope you all get a Laugh!

Vegas Transplant
10-18-2012, 06:05 PM

10-18-2012, 06:21 PM
That is too great! Lol!

10-18-2012, 06:42 PM

Hey Vegas!........when he said 10-4 I had this little bubble over my head.......sounds like Vegas!

Vegas Transplant
10-18-2012, 06:43 PM