View Full Version : Trim & Rubbers or Polish 1st?

04-19-2007, 06:32 PM
Guys and Gals I have a question of what would work best and be the easiest clean up process. Do you all polish and then clean/seal/shine your trim/rubbers/ and molding or vice versa? The reason is I want to cut time and I thought by doing the trim first I could get the stuff that was excess from the trim/rubber/and moldings all up by polishing after? Plus it would protect them before I hit the vehicle with the polish, from accidental hitting them with the polish or dust getting on them (the wipe up would be an ease). What do you all think? Thanks!

04-19-2007, 07:32 PM
Do it first if you don't want to tape the trim off and you are concerned about the polish staining. Trim care is one of my weaknesses, I don't do it as often as I should be...

04-19-2007, 07:59 PM
if you dress the trim first polish will wipe right off of it...

...orchestrating your time will save you a lot of frustration when having to detail multiple cars....

1. interior - especially if i am shampooing...gives time to dry
2. wash
3. clay without drying the car from wash
4. dress trim/tires/molding
5. polish
6. wax/lsp
7. glass and clean up any remaining residue/touch-up

I find that if i stick to the routine i wont be wiping the same area over and over again...if you do glass before polishing...you will just be doing the glass again...to me this routine makes the most sense...

04-20-2007, 01:15 AM
Thanks for the tips!