View Full Version : Did I Make The best Desicion!!!

10-08-2012, 03:44 PM
For the past month or so i have been going back and forth with my self......head knodding:buffing: mytee hp60 or vc 4000c.......i want both.

but anyway, i keep saying to my self well if you get the extractor then all your going to be doing is extracting, but if i go with the steamer then the world is mine. So after going back and forth i broke down and ordered the vc 4000c. Mainly fellows what i'm thinking about is multi tasking, while i'm detailing your vehicle i going to also pitch, that i also offer bed bug services, and sanitation, steam hardwood floors, these would be add on while on premieses and for commercial clients, hey do you need your office windows steamed cleaned while i'm here, theses will all add on profit.......This is another secret i will bestow upon you guys, this is one of my top plans and i'm only sharing this because pretty much all of you are out of my area...........so the BIG thing is if i can kick in a door at a health care facility, nursing home, and Hospice is to get them to let me sanitize their beddings, thats and entire entity off one machine that was originally bought for automotive details, with the extractor then i am confined to the inside of a vehicle.

Those are my words for today......Take care Autogeek Fam

Feed back please

10-08-2012, 10:37 PM
150 views, but no comment........wow

10-08-2012, 10:57 PM
I sort of shared the same mindset except opposite. I got an extractor that can also easily clean residential carpets (Rug DR). I also have a steamer but nothing as pro as the VX. I didn't us it as an up selling tool but it did help me gain business through our normally cold and wet Oregon winter months by doing some carpet cleaning. It's actually sort of relaxing... like mowing the lawn. You get to make all those pretty lines of "clean" in the rooms.

Not half as much fun as detailing but it pays the bills when nobody is even thinking about getting their car waxed. Which is weird... because you would think that with the horrible weather that people would be most interested in protecting their car instead of how detailing normally explodes right at the end of the winter season.

10-09-2012, 06:58 AM
I think it really depends on what type of work you're targeting.

If you're really inclined to do cleaning and sterilization at a nursing facility then the steamer makes the most sense. If the majority of your work will be carpets and upholstery then wouldn't a hot water extractor make more sense?

I'm not implying that a steamer doesn't have it's placed in the detailing world but to me the extractor is the right choice for automotive detailing everything else being equal...

10-09-2012, 09:46 PM
really you need both, but i went with the steamer to have a 2 n1 business under the same umbrella

10-09-2012, 10:28 PM
Steamer and a Tornador.

I find the Tornador does a better job of "extraction" than a lot of hot water extractors...and its dry when you're done.

Billy B
10-10-2012, 02:25 AM
I have 3 tornadors a vx5000 and an extractor. We detail over 200 cars per year and the extractor hasn't been used since I purchased the vx5000. I suppose it's personal preference but I would recommend a quality steamer.