View Full Version : Question on Poorboys White Diamond

10-02-2012, 11:42 PM
I've got a bottle I have never used in the garage. Going to get the car ready for winter soon. Thinking of going to 845, which is what I always fall back to. How does PB WD impact durability. I would like to use it, but not if it kills durability.

Thanks for the input!

10-03-2012, 04:22 AM
I have never used this combo before but I would not expect durability to be affected very much.

10-03-2012, 05:34 AM
Technically anything less than a clean totally stripped surface would impact the durability of 845 or any LSP. As far as the White Diamond I'd call Steve @ Poorboy's and ask him.........go right to the source.

10-03-2012, 06:07 AM
Technically anything less than a clean totally stripped surface would impact the durability of 845 or any LSP.

Sounds extreme to me.

tuscarora dave
10-03-2012, 06:45 AM
The 845 will essentially wash the White Diamond back off the paint if you're using WD as a filler. If you're using WD as a last polishing step just to brighten up the paint and aren't concerned with it's filling capacities you should be good.

I do however agree with RTexasF in that if you want the best durability you should apply your LSP to an absolute cleaned surface. Surely your 845 isn't going to come off the car the first time you wash the car but the WD might compromise the 845 "a little". I'd be more concerned with the use of WD being a waste of time more so than the 845 being compromised.

10-03-2012, 08:45 AM
I wanted to use PBs White Diamond on my brand new white Mercedes SUV. I like Duragloss products and wrote Duragloss an email to ask about the glaze on this paint and how compatible it would be with the Duragloss sealants and bonding agent I use. Duragloss wrote back and said first of all a glaze would not usually be necessary on new paint but their main concern was that it "might" interfere with their bonding agent (601). Many people here use 845 over and under Duragloss products with good results so they must be fairly compatible but White Diamond may not be. As RTexasS said, it is best to check with the manufactures of these products to be sure.

10-03-2012, 08:58 AM
Glazes in my experience, significantly affect durability in a negative way. Ive found the first time you wash the car its going to wash the glaze and wax right off. The only glaze Ive used is Wet Glaze 2.0 though, looks awesome while its on!

10-03-2012, 04:08 PM
I tried whit diamond, and I saw no results or anything special. Maybe I did something wrong

10-06-2012, 11:56 AM
White diamond works well on lighter color paints. I used it and topped with 845 without a problem many times.

Poorboy's product seem to play well with other brands.

10-24-2012, 07:08 PM
Question is....if I were to use this over an AIO and then top with 845, is there a problem?


10-24-2012, 09:01 PM
I use PB Blackhole (dark color jeep) which is another glaze. I was at the Poorboys expo and steve himself told me to apply the glaze with a blue LC pad then sealent (EX-P for dark, XP for light) BY HAND - he told us that the glaze was "so fine you will take it right off again if you use the machine to seal it."

Ive since done this process on other cars and topped with both Sovereign and 845 (different cars) after the sealant had time to cure and it came out GORGEOUS.

My APP wont let me upload the pics, but i assure you, use a sealant in between and you wont be disappointed. Just make sure you give the sealant time to cure (three days was what we were told I think)

10-24-2012, 09:05 PM
Question is....if I were to use this over an AIO and then top with 845, is there a problem?


It depends on the AIO...

I used Megs 2-step (yea, clearly not an AIO but the second product does qualify if you read the label) and followed up with 845. It came out decent, but I wasnt a huge fan in comparison to a straight sealant or even just a good wash first.

10-24-2012, 09:21 PM
I tried whit diamond, and I saw no results or anything special. Maybe I did something wrong

I used black hole and I wasn't real impressed with that either...

10-25-2012, 05:24 AM
I used black hole and I wasn't real impressed with that either...

How did you guys apply it? A glaze (like these anyway) should be the first product you apply.

If I understand how Steve from Poorboys and BobbyG explained it to me they work by "filling in the cracks" in your paint on a very very small scale. By that logic, if you have another product on BEFORE a glaze you are basically wasting product.