View Full Version : Paint chips...would CQuartz prevent?

10-01-2012, 08:06 PM
My brand new truck (5K on it now), always been sealed/waxed and taken care of from day one.
Doing a good detail the other day, I noticed some super tiny paint nicks on the rear wheel well flares and few on the lowers. It's a 4x4 and has big knobbies on it and mudflaps, thus lots of tones thrown...OUCH! Bummer :<( I don't off-road or drive hard, but living in the country you get all sorts of things coming at you.

Would something like the cquartz help prevent such chips, or dare I ask the gtechnic stuff? I'd fork it over, but don't think much would prevent it or would it?
Any suggestions?

10-01-2012, 08:14 PM
Any suggestions?

3M Clear autobra. I think that would stop rock chips.

Dr Oldz
10-01-2012, 08:15 PM
The coatings may help prevent light marring but I seriously doubt any of them will help from rock chips.
May have to look into some type of chip guard.

10-01-2012, 08:31 PM
The clear bras, can you see them, meaning are they unsightly or ugly? Feel them? I wonder because on those rear flares it might look like plastic on furniture since they stick out.