View Full Version : Wheel Cleaning Problem

04-18-2007, 12:53 PM
I have a very annoying problem when cleaning my wheels. The wheels are aluminum with a clear powder coat.

Every time I wash the wheels at home or at the car wash, a white film is left over the entire wheel after the water dries. The film is somewhat sticky--like wax.

This occurs whether I hand dry the wheels or let them air dry. It also occurs whether or not I use a wheel cleaner--I've used both the DP Wheel Cleaner from Autogeek and the Griot's Wheel Cleaner.

In order to remove the film I have to use the Wheel Cleaner and a firm bristle brush to scrub the wheels and then wipe them down with a cloth. I have to do this several times in order to remove all of the film. The process takes about two hours.

This problem is very frustrating. The rest of my car cleaning goes very smoothly. I don't know whether the dust from the brake pads or the powder coat itself is somehow reacting with the water...or whether the problem is something completely different.

The problem only surfaced about six months ago. The previous six months before that were fine--no strange film.

Any help would be appreciated.

04-18-2007, 01:16 PM

By any chance are you washing your wheels when they are hot?

Are you shaking the bottle of wheel cleaner before you apply it?

Have you tried a new and different bottle of wheel cleaner?

I guess I'm wondering if the DP Wheel Cleaner, (that's what I use), may have gone bad.

How do you store your products?

04-18-2007, 04:15 PM
By any chance are you washing your wheels when they are hot?

I have washed the wheels when they were warm but not hot--and the problem will occur with the wheels cold as well.

Are you shaking the bottle of wheel cleaner before you apply it?

No, I am not. Should I? I didn't see that indicated on the directions?

Have you tried a new and different bottle of wheel cleaner?

I have tried different wheel cleaners; I used the Griot's first, then tried the DP, and I have also tried using plain rubbing alcohol diluted in water.

The problem occurs whether or not I use a wheel cleaner. I store the products in a cabinet in my garage.


04-18-2007, 04:18 PM
maybe its time to consider ceramic brake pads ??

04-18-2007, 05:00 PM
Possibly but I'd like to know why this is happening. I'd hate to buy ceramic pads only to have the same problem.

BTW, I'm using stock Toyota pads at the moment--if that helps.

04-18-2007, 05:05 PM
Are you sure that they wheels are coated? It sounds like bare aluminum reacting to the wheel cleaners...

04-18-2007, 05:47 PM
P21s wheel cleaner

Solved problems regarding alu wheels on porsches in the 80s.

IMO one of the best wheel cleaners out there

04-18-2007, 06:00 PM
p21s is a very good cleaner that is safe to use. maybe consider PB spray and rinse wheel cleaner?

04-18-2007, 06:27 PM
Are you sure that they wheels are coated? It sounds like bare aluminum reacting to the wheel cleaners...

Yes, I coated the wheels myself. The center is pearl gold with a clear and the rim portion is polished with a clear. Here's the wheels:


04-18-2007, 06:28 PM
Solved problems regarding alu wheels on porsches in the 80s.

Can you explain a little further? What was the problem with Porsche wheels and why did P21s work?


04-18-2007, 06:48 PM
Many of the other wheel cleaners actualy damaged the porsche wheels, dont remember what happend to them, but the P21s didnt harm the factory mounted wheels.

P21s is acid free, nothing that can damage the wheels.

Its approved by Porsche, BMW, M-B, Volvo

Found this on another site, is it ok to copy/paste?

"The culprit was wheel cleaners which were all acid or lye based (as many are today!). These cleaners quickly cleaned wheel covers which were standard on domestic vehicles but Porsche used forged aluminum wheels featuring five black center spokes with a polished outer rim that was clear anodized. Spraying Porsche alloy wheels with an acid or lye-based cleaner instantly removed the clear finish, staining the wheel a milky-white.

Steve found this wasn't happening in Germany where enthusiasts were using a pH-balanced, detergent-based wheel cleaning system with the funny name of P21S. Mr. Gay contacted the German chemical company manufacturing P21S and negotiated the rights to import P21S Wheel Cleaners into the United States."

P21s from the US and the P21s we find in Norway is not the same product, but the site where this was written it was the P21s products AG carries

P21S WHEEL CLEANERS gel and regular (http://www.autogeek.net/p2wheelclean.html)

04-18-2007, 10:48 PM
Yes, I coated the wheels myself. The center is pearl gold with a clear and the rim portion is polished with a clear. Here's the wheels:

WoW! Those are some smokin' hot wheels. Nice... :applause:

When you said that you coated the wheels I got to thinking....

If you have some more clearcoat, maybe you could put some on a test sample, (i.e. someone else's wheels), and see if your cleaner is having a reaction to your clearcoat.

I'm just wondering if your clearcoat could be the problem.

What is it?

04-19-2007, 12:16 AM
Thank you. The clear coat is Pendry Coatings Everclear powder coat. I've used it in my engine bay on parts. Gasoline, simple green, windex, and all the usual suspects have no effect on it. These wheel cleaners must have super strong agents...

I did a test tonight to verify my previous findings.

First, I poured tap water on a wheel and let it dry. I could see and feel a tiny bit of the white waxy film but nothing like what I normally get.

Second, I sprayed a small portion of the wheel with wheel cleaner. No problems.

Third, I went to the car wash and washed a wheel with their soap and then the "spot free rinse." I got a little bit of hazing but again, nothing severe.

Now, what's different here from my previous cleanings is that the wheels were recently cleaned (little brake dust), I didn't spray the wheel cleaner on and let it sit, and I didn't rinse the wheel cleaner off with water--I wiped it off.

At this point, I'm thinking I might have a combination of problems; hard water, brake dust, and the wheel cleaners sitting too long.

I noticed rain water that had puddled on the lips of my wheels leaves a stain.

Any further input?