View Full Version : Fk1000p extreme durability test

09-28-2012, 12:11 AM
Just washed my trailer for the FIRST time since The end of April( I was doing an extreme test on fk1000p's durability) in April I compounded the whole trailer with Meguiars #67 followed by FK1000p. It had 6 months of caked on grime and dirt. Was stored outside 24/7 UNCOVERED in the Arizona heat and sun. During washing, water still sheeted well, and in some areas it was still beading.

These pics are the side with the door, it received only ONE coat of fk1000p. Some spots have minor oxidation, but over all still shiny.


This is the front, the trailer is parked where the front faces east, so it gets all the morning sun. Has minor oxidation, but overall still nice and shiny.


This is the other side of the trailer, this side received TWO coats of fk1000p 12 hours apart. It looks like two coats made a pretty big difference, it has alot less oxidation then the side with only one coat.

Last is the back, it faces West and gets all the evening sun(the worst in az), it aswell has minor oxidation. On the right in the picture where it's really shiny, DG 501 was applied via GG6 DA with a buff&shine yellow pad on speed 6 with 3-4 quick section passes. I did this right before taking the pics to see if 501 would remove the minor oxidation. It did a wonderful job. You can see where it's oxidized in the pic on the left.


The pics do the justice, for 6months I didn't touch the thing. It had so much grime and dirt that it looked badly oxidized. Fk1000p, lived to its name. It's an amazing sealant that is overlooked often.

If you have any questions, lemme know.

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